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Wired News Week - Bigwigs dis Congress ... Slashdot slashes the middleman ... Windows faces a security hole the size of Seattle ... and more news and goings-on. Compiled by Pete Danko. [Wired News]
Wired News Week - Bigwigs dis Congress ... Slashdot slashes the middleman ... Windows faces a security hole the size of Seattle ... and more news and goings-on. Compiled by Pete Danko. [Wired News]
Wireless Data Without the Modem - As if people needed another excuse to whip out their cell phones, the second-largest US wireless carrier launches a Net service linking mobile phones and laptops. Others are expected to follow with similar offerings. By Joanna Glasner. [Wired News]
Wit Capital Seeks its Own IPO - The online investment bank, which practically invented the idea of holding IPOs on the Web, will try to cash in on Net stock frenzy later this year. By Jennifer Sullivan. [Wired News]
Women Spreading the Wealth - Of the billions of dollars that entrepreneurs raise from venture capitalists, women get less than 2 percent. The women at Viridian aim to change that. By Lauren Barack. [Wired News]
Wonks Head for the Hills - Words and thoughts will dominate over glitz and splash at this week's Cyberspace and the American Dream policy-fest deep in the Rocky Mountains. [Wired News]
Workers Sue to Get Stock Options - A group of Qualcomm employees file a lawsuit against their employer to get stock options that would otherwise be lost in an acquisition. Also: AT T likely will face FCC scrutiny ... and more. [Wired News]
Wow Dow Marches Higher - Wall Street shakes off a bumpy start to resume its record-breaking ascent. But another profit warning from AMD pours some cold water on tech stocks. By David Lazarus. [Wired News]
X Games Spawn X Deals - A Silicon Valley venture capital firm rides the X Games wave with a contest for extreme Internet start-ups. Heidi Kriz reports from San Francisco. [Wired News]
Xerox Gets More Digital - The copier company reorganizes to make copiers even more computer-friendly. Also: GT Interactive buys Legend Entertainment, developer of Unreal II. [Wired News]
Xerox's Biggest Deal Ever - It's buying Tektronix's color-printing operation for US$950 million in cash, putting it right behind H-P in the field. [Wired News]
Xerox's dpiX Closing Down - So much for unlocking value. dpiX, one of Xerox PARC's spinoffs, plans to shut down by the end of the year, if it can't find more backers or a buyer. [Wired News]
Y2K Bugging Economic Forecasters - Even if absolutely nothing happens to computers on New Year's Day, 2000, enough people are worried about it to be affecting economic activity and forecasts. [Wired News]
Y2K Czar: Feds in Good Shape - In his quarterly report, John Koskinen says things look good at a national level, but some local systems are iffy. Also: Warner Bros. pushes Iron Giant on the Web.... AOL, BigE in Latin American deal.... Everyone wants a robodog.... And more. [Wired News]
Y2K Fix in the Year 5760 - New software can fix the millennium bug in no time, says an Israeli programmer. And no time is just what he's got to market it. Tania Hershman reports from Jerusalem. [Wired News]
Y2K Will Make Pirates Pay - They may have gotten the programs for free, but software pirates stand to get burned by the Year 2000 bug. It's tough to get a fix for something you stole. By Craig Bicknell [Wired News]
Y2K Will Make Pirates Pay - They may have gotten the programs for free, but software pirates stand to get burned by the Year 2000 bug. It's tough to get a fix for something you stole. By Craig Bicknell [Wired News]
Y2K: Wall St. Looking Good - About 400 brokerages, banks, and stock exchanges have begun the biggest Y2K simulation yet. So far, Wall Street's computers are holding up well in the month-long test. By Brian Alcorn. [Wired News]
Y2K: What, Mom-n-Pops Worry? - If San Francisco's small businesses aren't ready for the scare of the millennium, then no city is. And that's the problem SF's mayor wants to tackle. By Lindsey Arent. [Wired News]
Yahoo Deal Boosts Stocks - The portal's big-money buyout of is just what Wall Street was seeking to get the second quarter off on the right foot. Share prices are cautiously higher. By David Lazarus. [Wired News]

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