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Shooting AOL's Messenger - While the world concentrates on Windows 2000, Microsoft is focusing on another strategic product: an instant-messenger client. It might be Microsoft's last chance to counter America Online's dominance. Chris Stamper reports from Seattle. [Wired News], AIM in Net Deal - The online retailer, due to join Compaq and AltaVista, will market itself as a service provider, working with American Interactive Media. [Wired News]
Shuttle Delayed, Again - This time it's weather that forces NASA to scrub the historic flight to be commanded by Eileen Collins. Also: Microsoft to offer instant messaging that works with AOL services. [Wired News]
Sideshows from the MP3-palooza - There are suits and geeks in attendence at Jupiter Communications Plug.In conference, but not a booth babe in sight. Chris Allbritton reports from New York. [Wired News]
Siemens on US Buying Spree - The German telecom-equipment maker buys two data-networking firms and invests in a third. We're not done, the company's executives say. [Wired News]
Sierra Shuffle Rocks Gamers - Sierra On-Line lays off 150 employees and kills four games, including the popular Babylon 5 and Pro Pilot flight sim lines. By Andy Patrizio. [Wired News]
Silicon Valley's One Sure Thing - You don't need a clever concept to get rich in the tech industry. Silicon Valley temp agencies are sitting on a gold mine. By Craig Bicknell. [Wired News]
Sites Lure GeoCities Refugees - Home-page sites are putting out the welcome mat for former GeoCities homesteaders who are furious over a new Yahoo contract that claims ownership of their sites. Declan McCullagh reports from Washington. [Wired News]
Sites for Hardcore Eyes - Web porn may be lucrative, but that doesn't mean the industry is free of problems. An association of adult webmasters is trying to tackle them. By Craig Bicknell. [Wired News]
Skitterish Tech Stocks Slide - The Dow Jones industrials fell more than 200 points for the second time this week, and Nasdaq endured one of its biggest losses ever on Thursday. [Wired News]
Slashdot Enters Dutch IPO Oven - The parent of the popular open-source news community is going public, and trying hard to make sure its contributors get in on the action. By James Glave. [Wired News]
Slate: Free Again - Microsoft's pundit-heavy publication ditches its subscription model. Why? Competition's tough and there's just too much free stuff out there. By Joanna Glasner. [Wired News]
Small Bookshops Gather Online - Independent bookstores are tired of losing business to Net superstores. An industry group launches a Web site to help them catch up. By Joanna Glasner. [Wired News]
Small Secrets to Big Success - Email spam aside, you really can make big money on the Net. One woman woos dozens of top Net CEOs to glean the secrets of their success. By Nancy Kamp. [Wired News]
Sony Bets Big on PlayStation - The electronics and entertainment company is spending 120 billion and opening new plants to produce chips for its next videogame console. By Chris Stamper. [Wired News]
Sony Joins Personal Stereo Queue - Even as it celebrates 20 years of the Walkman, Sony looks to the future and offers up its own MP3-friendly player. Introducing the MS Walkman. Arik Hesseldahl reports from New York. [Wired News]
Sony Player Coming Soon? - Though tight-lipped about details, Sony is interested in portable Walkman-like playback devices for audio. Piracy issues still need to be resolved with the recording industry. By Jennifer Sullivan. [Wired News]
Sony Profits Sink Big Time - One of the world's biggest gadget makers says continuing economic trouble around the world is gutting its profits. Expect more of the same next year, the company says. [Wired News]
Sony Revamps, Slices Jobs - At first glance, investors like the reorganization plan, which will send 17,000 workers out the door. [Wired News]
Sony Snubbed Again By SF Court - A San Francisco court tells Sony a second time that the law won't stand in the way of Connectix and its Virtual Game Station software. By Polly Sprenger. [Wired News]

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