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Lucent Strikes Again - Lucent Technologies agrees to acquire telecom software maker International Network Services. The price tag: US$3.7 billion in stock. Also: AT&T says there's no AOL deal in the works.... Qwest packages long-distance service with free Net access.... Razorfish in deal to buy i-Cube.... And more. [Wired News]
Lucent to Buy Nexabit - The largest telecom equipment maker shells out US$900 million for Nexabit, which makes switches for sending data over high-speed networks. Also: Juniper Networks soars in IPO.... to list on Nasdaq.... and more. [Wired News]
Lucent's Ascension - Lucent buys Ascend and becomes, by far, the most formidable company in the telephone equipment and data networking industries. Suddenly, Cisco is looking over its shoulder. By Joanna Glasner. [Wired News]
Lucent's High-Speed 'Stinger' - The company says its new product will allow ISPs and local phone companies to offer DSL service without compromising voice-service quality. Says one analyst: "The 800-pound gorilla is entering the business." [Wired News]
Lucent, Ascend Near Deal - A merger could be announced as soon as Wednesday, sources say. Meanwhile, Lucent scoops up billing-software maker Kenan Systems for US$1.48 billion in stock. [Wired News]
Lucent: We Ain't Firing - Lucent executives say they don't have plans for massive firings now that the mammoth acquisition of Ascend Communications is complete. In fact, they're hiring. By Joanna Glasner. [Wired News]
Lycos Buys - The financial-information subscription site joins Wired News' parent for US$78.3 million in stock. [Wired News]
Lycos Buys Spot on Lotus Notes - The portal player says the deal will send several million new users its way. Also: Wal-Mart, eToys turn to Federated's Fingerhut to fill Net orders.... Insurers face Y2K nightmare.... Will free services force pay-ISP consolidation in Britain? ... And more. [Wired News]
Lycos CEO Defends USA Deal - Bob Davis tries again to convince shareholders and Wall Street that the proposed combination of Lycos and USA Networks is a sweet deal. By Craig Bicknell. [Wired News]
Lycos CEO Sells Shares - Chief executive Robert Davis plans to sell a big chunk of his holding. Maybe he doesn't believe the stock will continue to run up in the near future, analysts say. By Jennifer Sullivan. [Wired News]
Lycos Deal Sours Net Stocks - Investors are shocked -- shocked! -- that a top Internet company hasn't produced a massive premium in its takeover. Hey, this is the Net we're talking about here. By David Lazarus. [Wired News]
Lycos Embraces Open Web Index - The portal licenses Netscape's Open Directory Project, a massive index of Web sites built and managed by volunteers. Backers say it's the only way to keep up with the Net's growth. By Chris Oakes. [Wired News]
Lycos Investor Quits over Deal - The biggest shareholder on Lycos' board of trustees resigns, vowing to oppose the USA Networks-Lycos merger until Lycos shareholders see a bigger piece of the pie. [Wired News]
Lycos Investor Wants Better Deal - CMGI, the biggest Lycos shareholder, says Lycos isn't getting enough from its merger with USA Networks. CMGI won't support the deal until there's more on the table. By Craig Bicknell. [Wired News]
Lycos Loss Less Than Expected - The Internet portal reports a loss that was slightly less than what Wall Street had expected. Lycos also approves a two-for-one stock split. [Wired News]
Lycos Loss Smaller Than Expected - A big jump in revenue and traffic results in a loss that was less than what Wall Street expected. Meanwhile, the company's management tries to gain support for a merger with USA Networks. [Wired News]
Lycos May Sell Stake to NBC - One of the last remaining independent portals is negotiating to sell a chunk of itself to the television network. The deal could happen within a few weeks. [Wired News]
Lycos Opens Door to Investors - Following the recent wave of consolidation, one of the remaining independent Web portals says it would invite a substantial investment by a global media or telecom player. [Wired News]
Lycos Rolls Out Radio Network - The company says the video component will keep users looking at their screens -- and advertisements. Also: Global Crossing buys C W's undersea cable services unit.... Broadcom in a US$316 million stock deal to acquire Epigram.... ETrade hits 1 million customers.... And more. [Wired News]
Lycos' Davis Defends Deal - Facing an audience of baffled money managers, Lycos CEO Bob Davis tries to convince them that an agreement to merge with USA Networks and the Home Shopping Network is a good deal. Give it time, he says. [Wired News]

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