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US, Aussies in Censorship Spat - They're "village idiots" Down Under because of Net laws, claims the ACLU president. Australia's response? Americans have some nerve talking about "values." Stewart Taggart reports from Sydney, Australia. [Wired News]
US, UK Take on the Y2K World - Britain and the United States begin issuing report cards on how the bug might bite travelers. Also: Trend Micro hopes to sell virus protection through ISPs.... And Sam Donaldson debuts on the Net. [Wired News]
US: Stockpile Oil for Y2K - The US energy office says it looks like the oil supply won't be disrupted by Y2K trouble, but homeowners and businesses ought to fill their heating-oil tanks before 1 January 2000. Better to be safe than sorry. [Wired News]
USA Networks Buys Lycos - Barry Diller, the media mogul who created the Fox network, buys a controlling stake in Lycos to create a portal that combines bits of Home Shopping Network with search services. By Jennifer Sullivan and Craig Bicknell. [Wired News]
Unclogging International Trade - International trade is choking on bureaucracy, just when e-commerce is creating record demand for shipment. Bolero, an association with some very powerful backers, wants to use technology to slash the red tape. By David Clarke. [Wired News]
Unlocking the Golden Handcuffs - Forget about who gets the house, the sports car, and the season tickets. In Silicon Valley divorces, the biggest financial bone of contention is splitting up stock options. By Joanna Glasner. [Wired News]
Up All Night with Instinet - Forget about calling them day traders. Instinet, the leading electronics communications network for institutional investors, plans to open its system to retail investors after hours. By Joe Ashbrook Nickell. [Wired News]
Upscale Online Auctioning - Sotheby's ups the ante of online auctioning. The exclusive auction house has signed over 1,000 art dealers to sell merchandise on its new site. [Wired News]
VA Buys Part of Linux Hardware - The Linux hardware market is consolidating as leader VA Research on Wednesday purchases a portion of Linux Hardware Systems. [Wired News]
Valley Prestige Carries a Price - Silicon Valley may be the hottest place to plant the headquarters of a Net company. But high costs and competition from other tech hubs are posing a real threat, a study concludes. Joanna Glasner reports from Palo Alto, California. [Wired News]
Valley of the Dollars - Venture capital firms doled out record sums in the second quarter, and Silicon Valley Net startups were the biggest beneficiaries. By Joanna Glasner [Wired News]
Valuation Worries Slam Stocks - Wall Street throws a tantrum as Dell and Hewlett-Packard indicate slowing sales. Are share prices too high for such results? Is the pope ...? By David Lazarus. [Wired News]
VerticalNet Shares Surge - The online trade-magazine publisher hasn't made a dime, is posting losses, and gets 95 percent of its revenue from advertising -- a risky proposition. Nevertheless, its stock skyrockets after the IPO. By Chris Stamper. [Wired News]
Viacom Bulks Up Net Operations - Another big media company dives into the Net. Viacom won't build or buy a portal, though. It plans to build its own sites targeting MTV and Nickelodeon audiences. [Wired News]
Viacom to Buy CBS - The planned US$34.5 billion acquisition may be the biggest media transaction in history. Also: Medscape pays $33 million for exposure on America Online.... Freeserve turns to Tribal Voice for instant messaging.... And more. [Wired News]
Viacom, Liberty in Music Deal - In a complex deal involving Viacom and Liberty, SonicNet becomes part of MTV's Net music effort. Also: Network Computer is liberated from the NC.... Microsoft and Bertelsmann discuss a big German cable deal.... Amazon-backed files to go public.... And more. [Wired News]
Victoria's Secret: We're Boring - What do you get when you cross a Miracle Bra with a 56K modem? The first online-only fashion show, which turns out to be only silk and mirrors. By Joe Nickell. [Wired News]
Video Snooping Is Not OK - A jury awards an Oklahoma man US$2,500, saying cops out to seize copies of The Tin Drum illegally got his name from a shop's rental list. Also: Melissa virus suspect confessed, prosecutor says.... MP3 gives China the willies.... And more. [Wired News]
Virgin Net Will Give It Away - Richard Branson's Virgin Group, which has high hopes for e-commerce, jumps on Britain's free Internet service bandwagon. [Wired News]
Virtual Reality, Real Trouble - Interactive Pictures, a virtual reality software company, is gearing up for a big IPO. The problem is, just when it needs a lot of friends it's making a lot of enemies. By Craig Bicknell. [Wired News]

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