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Auctioneers Chip In for Kosovo - EBay, Yahoo, and other online companies help out the Kosovo relief effort by holding special auctions. [Wired News]
Auctioning Off Class Struggles - Business schools around the country may have found a new solution to overcrowded classrooms: They let students bid on courses. By Kendra Mayfield. [Wired News]
Aussies Mine Net Gold - Things couldn't be worse for the mining industry. To survive, Australian mineral companies are looking for a new mother lode: e-commerce. Stewart Taggart reports from Sydney, Australia. [Wired News]
Autobytel Shares Race Upward - Shares of the money-losing auto site hit overdrive in first-day trading. Autobytel has plenty of competition, but investors still paid more than double the sticker price for shares of the online dealership site. By Joanna Glasner. [Wired News]
Autoweb's Revving Shares - Even used-car salesmen feel welcomed by Internet investors. Shares of online car hub hit the market and double instantly. By Jennifer Sullivan. [Wired News]
Avez Vous AOL? - America Online says it has 3 million subscribers outside the United States. Also: Apple learns a four-letter word.... lines up content from three ABC affiliates.... and more. [Wired News]
B&N Closes Book on Merger - Barnes Noble calls off its acquisition of Ingram Book Group in the face of government and industry opposition. Now it's on to Plan B, while small booksellers sigh with relief. [Wired News]
B&N Opens Music Store - The online bookseller joins in selling sounds -- and hopes to lure customers with an exclusive Jewel download. Also: to launch a free site-building service.... Lycos in high-speed pact with East Coast network.... IBM bows out of Toshiba chip venture.... And more. [Wired News]
BMC Buying New Dimension - BMC will pay US$650 million to expand its business software lineup. Also: Microsoft invests in Reciprocal, an MP3 shop.... The software company also targets Chinese set-top boxes.... Wireless Dimension raises more money. [Wired News]
BT Quashes AirTouch Rumors - British Telecommunications company says it's not among the many suitors for AirTouch Communications. BT has its hands full with AT T. [Wired News]
BT, Microsoft in Wireless Deal - The two companies reach an agreement to develop Internet and corporate data services for mobile users. [Wired News]
Back-to-School Bargains - Cheap, busy, and Internet-savvy, college students make the ideal target for start-up companies selling textbooks at cut-rate prices. [Wired News]
Bad Juju for AMD - Would-be Intel rival AMD posts a massive loss and says its president is quitting. Not good news for a company trying desperately to reverse its fortunes. [Wired News]
Bad News Drags Down the Market - A record US trade deficit, a rising yen, and a semiconductor shortage caused by the Taiwan quake cause the third-biggest decline of the year on Wall Street. [Wired News]
Ballmer Meant What He Said - This isn't the first time Microsoft's president has complained about the overvaluation of tech stocks. And even though the market got the vapors over it, he's not retreating from his premise. By Craig Bicknell. [Wired News]
Ballmer: 'MS Valuation Absurd' - Microsoft's president tells a group of journalists that tech stocks -- including his own company's -- are way, way overvalued. [Wired News]
Ballmer: 'Share Your Data' - Microsoft's president says the future of e-biz depends on companies making their information available to be reused. By John Gartner. [Wired News] Cuts IPO Offering - The leading real estate site plans to sell a million fewer shares than expected, at US$8 per share. [Wired News]
Bank Stocks Plunge on Y2K Worry - An influential banking analyst puts a rare "sell" recommendation on US banking stocks, citing Y2K concerns. The move drags down most of the market. [Wired News]
Bankers Don't Get the Net -- Yet - There's not a major bank in the world that gets the Internet and its promise to shake the financial establishment to its rafters. A new report says consumers are way out in front. [Wired News]

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