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Net Investors, Breathe Easy - Two influential Robertson Stephens analysts say Net stocks aren't about to explode. Patience, they say. Net companies will prove themselves soon. By Heidi Kriz. [Wired News]
Net Pioneer's Prodigious IPO - Prodigy, an early online service that blew a big lead, is hoping to recoup. It raises US$120 million from a public offering and is going after America Online. By Joanna Glasner. [Wired News]
Net Press Takes Stock of Ethics - In the bountiful age of the Internet IPO, even journalists are getting offered a cut of the proceeds in new Net stocks. Some are accepting. That's making publishers nervous. By Joanna Glasner. [Wired News]
Net Publishers Score Victory - A federal judge strikes down a rule requiring publishers of commodities futures information to register with the government. Also: IBM set to unveil new data-storage products.... US West brushes off Qwest's bid, for now.... Net news hoaxer cops a plea.... Can cloning save the panda?... And more. [Wired News]
Net Stocks Continue To Slide - A flurry of excitement over the possible Yahoo acquisition of Excite@Home gave early hope, but they soon faded and Internet stocks were down again. [Wired News]
Net Stocks Fuel Broad Rally - AOL leaps into television and Yahoo into radio, and investors renew their affection for the Internet. Also, goes public. Guess what happens. By David Lazarus. [Wired News]
Net Stocks Hit Accelerator - Wall Street turns multimedia as AOL breaks into television and Yahoo discovers radio. Meantime, goes public -- a day trader's dream. By David Lazarus. [Wired News]
Net Stocks Lead Market Rally - Lovesick investors beg for forgiveness and rush back into the waiting arms of the .com crowd. Breaking up is hard to do. By David Lazarus. [Wired News]
Net Stocks Out in Front - and eBay blow investors away with their latest results ... and light a fire beneath other Net shares. The rest of the market struggles to keep pace. By David Lazarus. [Wired News]
Net Stocks Pace Renewed Rally - Wall Street resumes its march into record territory as investors embrace some encouraging economic data and the cheerful advice of a leading analyst. By David Lazarus. [Wired News]
Net Stocks Pace Surging Market - Lovesick investors rush back to the waiting arms of the .com crowd. High valuations? What high valuations? Wall Street turns in a very impressive performance. By David Lazarus. [Wired News]
Net Stocks Regain Equilibrium - After getting kicked around like an old football for a couple of days, most Internet stocks rebounded slightly on Thursday. An exception were the ISP stocks, which are still feeling the effects of the Microsoft-AOL war. [Wired News]
Net Stocks Stagger Back - After days of nasty losses, most Internet shares end the week on a positive note. The broader market, however, can't keep pace. By David Lazarus. [Wired News]
Net Stocks Surge on Excite Sale - With the portal going for nearly twice its market value, speculation shifts to who's next for acquisition. Here, pooch. Roll over. By David Lazarus. [Wired News]
Net Stocks Whacked Again - The Net's top tier stocks headed south for the umpteenth straight day, dragging the rest of the Net market along for the ride. [Wired News]
Net Surfing's Up - The average user spends seven hours each month surfing the Web at work. It's all business, of course. [Wired News]
Net's US Impact: US$300 Billion - The Internet economy is a lot bigger than previously thought, a Cisco-backed study says. Also: Excite-AtHome taking its service to Australia.... V-chip adoption ahead of schedule.... US missile hits its mark.... And more. [Wired News]
Net, Tech Stocks Lead Pack - Wall Street takes a breather after its record-setting run-up a day earlier. Blue-chip shares lose ground as investors rekindle their affections for gadgets and gizmos. By David Lazarus. [Wired News]
Net, Tech Stocks Take Dive - Is the party over? Nah. Share prices are just being tweaked after soaring to nosebleed-producing altitudes. By David Lazarus. [Wired News]
Net, Tech Stocks on a Roll - New mergers and partnerships make for another banner day among the usual suspects., meanwhile, keeps surging because [your explanation here]. By David Lazarus. [Wired News]

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