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Mega-Bucks Deals Boost Stocks - Yahoo buys GeoCities, Ford buys Volvo ... you can't beat that kind of action to get investors feeling high on life again. By David Lazarus. [Wired News]
Mega-Deals, Earnings Buoy Market - It didn't take much -- only Yahoo buying GeoCities and Ford buying Volvo -- to rekindle investor enthusiasm. Tech and Net stocks lead Wall Street higher. By David Lazarus. [Wired News]
Memo Calls Deal 'Tectonic Shift' - In an internal memo celebrating his company's acquisition by At Home, Excite's vice president of commerce says "a new day has dawned" on the Internet. Full text of memo inside. [Wired News]
Mentor Gives Up on Quickturn - Conceding to rival Cadence, Mentor Graphics drops its bid to acquire the software company. Just as well, analysts say. [Wired News]
Mergers Fuel Broad Rally - Al "The Terminator" Greenspan may be lurking in the wings, but investors are too busy shopping to worry about a possible hike in interest rates. By David Lazarus. [Wired News]
Merrill Lynch Buys Net Trader - The largest US brokerage is buying a software developer specializing in Net trading applications. It's also planning to unveil its own online trading offering. By Joanna Glasner. [Wired News]
Mexico Maxes Out on Cell Phones - Mexico's networks don't have the capacity to handle a burgeoning number of cell phones. For customers, it means poor service or no service at all. [Wired News]
Microsoft Bows to CitySearch - A year ago, CitySearch was hurtin' for certain. Monday, it said it would buy out its chief rival, Microsoft's Sidewalk, and emerge as the top dog in the local content biz. By Craig Bicknell. [Wired News]
Microsoft Buys CompareNet - Signaling plans to expand its online retailing operation, the software giant buys one of the biggest comparison-shopping databases on the Web. Chris Stamper reports from Seattle. [Wired News]
Microsoft Buys Stake in AT&T - For a US$5 billion investment in Ma Bell, Microsoft buys assurances that the biggest US phone company will use Windows CE when it rolls out digital television and high-speed Internet access. [Wired News]
Microsoft Buys ThingWorld Stake - The stake will help Microsoft expand in the streaming-media business. Also: AT T, Lucent sued for allegedly selling telecom equipment unready for Y2K.... Audible gets a long list of influential sugar daddies. [Wired News]
Microsoft Dangles Free PCs - The software giant joins the rush to boost Internet services, offering a computer to anyone who prepays for three years of MSN. Also: National Semiconductor has reportedly squeezed all PC functions onto a single chip.... Flight to supply Mir gets clearance for takeoff.... And more. [Wired News]
Microsoft Exploring Open Source - President Steve Ballmer says that Redmond has learned from the success of the Linux open-source software model. And Microsoft may loosen its notoriously tight grip on Windows source code. By Joanna Glasner. [Wired News]
Microsoft Faces the Music - Redmond rolls out its WMA format for downloadable music, claiming high quality and features found nowhere else. Will content show up? By Jennifer Sullivan and John Gartner. [Wired News]
Microsoft Fudged Figures on IE4 - Microsoft says 1 million people have already downloaded Internet Explorer 5.0 and admits it exaggerated comparable claims about the last version of the Web browser. [Wired News]
Microsoft Gears for Mobile Music - Microsoft signs deals that bring competition to MP3-dominated portable digital audio players. Chip vendors Cirrus Logic and ARM announce chips optimized for Microsoft's technology. By Jennifer Sullivan. [Wired News]
Microsoft Gives In on Temps - The software company agrees to withdraw a contract that would have forced its temps to waive benefits. Chris Stamper reports from Seattle. [Wired News]
Microsoft Goes After Women - The world's biggest software company will unveil an e-commerce deal with a Women's Consumer Network. It's part of a strategy to get more money out of female Web surfers. [Wired News]
Microsoft Gunning for E-Pirates - Microsoft launches a nationwide crackdown to shackle counterfeit software sales on the Internet. [Wired News]
Microsoft Leading Browser War - A new study shows that Microsoft's Internet Explorer is, for the first time, beating Netscape Navigator in the battle for the overall US browser market. By Joanna Glasner. [Wired News]

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