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Frontier Frustrates Qwest - Qwest tells shareholders it will do whatever it takes to win its bid for two telcos currently in merger agreements with rival Global Crossing. Frontier says it will do nothing. [Wired News]
Fujitsu a Budding Net Giant? - Japanese analysts are bullish on the future of Fujitsu, which is turning increasingly toward the online industry to make its money. And making money it is. [Wired News]
Fund Giant Trims Tech Holdings - The largest US mutual fund sells off some overvalued big-name tech stocks. It could be a warning sign for investors. [Wired News]
GPS Users Get Final Warning - The US Coast Guard tells users of the Global Positioning System to use alternative navigation when the satellite-based system turns to zero next week. Also: FCC phone-marketing rule struck down.... postpones its IPO.... AT&T bashes US West's local service.... And more. [Wired News]
Gadzoox Soars in IPO - A busy day for IPOs. Shares of Gadzoox Networks more than triple in first-day trading. Meanwhile, raises its IPO price while Be lowers its IPO outlook. [Wired News]
Game Makers Take Aim at Pirates - Game companies say they have uncovered three international rings of software pirates that cost them millions. The group files suit against the organized counterfeiters. By Leander Kahney. [Wired News] Flourishes in IPO - The online purveyer of gardening-related advice and products sees its stock price soar after the company goes public. [Wired News]
Gates Donation: $5 Billion - The gift, largest ever by a living donor, doubles the size of the family foundation. Also: Oracle looks to save US$1 billion.... Ericsson pooh-poohs Microsoft mobile-phone threat.... Space station gets a new orbit.... And more. [Wired News]
Gates Sells MS Stock - Chairman Bill unloads 7 million shares of Microsoft and plans to dump 3 million more. The world's richest man is just tweaking his stock portfolio. [Wired News]
Gateway to Give Away Net Access - The PC maker says it knows why people buy computers -- to get on the Web. So, it will give away Net access for the first year. Also: CNET to raise US$150 million through bond sale. [Wired News]
Geeks Going, Going, Gone! - The 16 engineers and managers who tried selling themselves as a team on eBay have vanished without a trace. But a new group has turned up, trying the same thing. By Polly Sprenger [Wired News]
Geeks Tip Their Caps to Red Hat - The Red Hat IPO was greeted with unbridled enthusiasm at Linuxworld. There were some pretty rich geeks on Day One and signs that there's still plenty of money -- and interest -- on Wall Street. By Leander Kahney. [Wired News]
GeoCities Gets Set to Stream - The Web-page host will allow users to add streaming audio and video to their sites, just like the pros. One critic calls it gee-whiz technology. By Joe Nickell. [Wired News]
George Bell, Excited by the Web - Excite's CEO shares his thoughts on the future of the Web and how he's steering his company there. Theta Pavis reports from the Silicon Alley 99 conference in New York. [Wired News]
German Court Backs AOL - Germany's biggest telco is temporarily blocked from slashing Net access prices. AOL had complained that the price cuts were anticompetitive. [Wired News]
German Telecom is Red-Hot - You think US Internet companies are high flyers? Mobilcom's stock has ballooned 600 percent in the past 12 months. And it has the profits to support that gain. [Wired News]
German, Italian Telcos to Merge - Telecom Italia and Deutsche Telekom agree to merge in a transaction worth US$81.5 billion, forming the largest telephone company in the world. But huge international hurdles lie ahead. [Wired News]
Get a Home Loan, and a Free PC - Hoping to give its Home Advisor site a shot in the arm, Microsoft will give away PCs to people who sign up for home loans. [Wired News]
Getting Credit for Online Credit - You thought getting a platinum Visa was tough? Consider the hoops online retailers have to jump through before banks allow them to accept credit cards. By Corey Goldman. [Wired News]
Getting the Skinny on Web Ads - Avenue A says it will give publishers ad info that was previously available only to advertisers. Also: Xoom, Snap trade for a chunk of Buyitnow.... Freeserve account holders will have a shot at company shares.... NBC plans Web-based comedy hour. [Wired News]

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