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Perot Wins Investors' Vote - Shares of the Texas billionaire's new computer company more than double in the first day of trading. Is it more tech-stock mania or a sign of his cache with investors? By Joanna Glasner. [Wired News] Fetches More Investors - The online pet-supplies retailer raises another US$50 million from investors, including Also: America Online to use more Inktomi search software.... UPS unveils spiffy package-tracking handheld computer. [Wired News]
Picking Fights in the Northwest - AT T/TCI takes Portland, Oregon to court after local officials said they'd rather protect their home-grown ISPs than let the telecom giant monopolize broadband cable access. By Polly Sprenger. [Wired News]
Pig-Headed Cell Phoner Jailed - A British oil worker stubbornly refused a flight attendant's orders to switch off his cellular phone during a flight across Europe. Now he's headed to prison. [Wired News]
PlanetRx Kicks Off Pharmacy Fray - The latest player in the Net pharmacy business begins an all-out battle with for online sales of shampoo and Q-tips. [Wired News]
PlanetRx in Big Drug Deal - PlanetRx teams up with a big pharmaceutical company to build community sites for the chronically ill. It will help both companies sell drugs, but can they offer impartial advice to a vulnerable audience? By Craig Bicknell. [Wired News]
PlayStation 2 to Arrive Late - Sony says its state-of-the-art game console will hit the Japanese market in March 2000, three months later than it hoped. And the United States? Not until next fall. Analysts say the company's inexperience with super-fast chips is to blame. [Wired News]
PlayStation Clones Go to Court - Sony is trying to halt the shipment of PlayStation emulators for PC and Mac. Sony will appear today with Connectix and Bleem in separate hearings. By Leander Kahney. [Wired News]
PlayStation Coders to Play Linux - Sony claims its PlayStation II game box is so sophisticated that developers will need a whole new workstation to cut code. In September, the company plans to give them one. Kourosh Karimkhany reports from Los Angeles. [Wired News]
Playboy Sues over Search Terms - The august men's magazine says Excite and Netscape are ruining its good name by selling porno ads at its expense. Also: Net-telephony advocates merge.... CMP puts itself on the market.... And more. [Wired News]
Playing Doctor on the Web - Synetic buys a medical software company for US$1.3 billion. And there are rumors that Healtheon will make a multibillion-dollar bid for WebMD. [Wired News]
Playing It Safe with Wireless - Bidders at an auction for wireless phone licenses will bid conservatively this time around, taking a lesson from the 1996 auction where most winners lost their licenses after failing to back their overzealous bids. [Wired News]
Playing the Web for Laughs - One company wants to parlay our love of comic strips and cartoons into a funnier Web -- and a cash cow. By Brian Alcorn. [Wired News]
PointCast Feeling Pushed Out - Push technology's early adopter wants a new image. In the meantime, its CEO quits and the company names a new chief. By Joanna Glasner. [Wired News]
PointCast Fire Sale - Just two years after it spurned a US$450 million offer from Rupert Murdoch, PointCast sells out to Idealab for $7 million. Also: Reuters buys into W.R. Hambrecht.... Yahoo gets into the radio biz.... and more. [Wired News]
Pop Music Retail Titan is Born - The selection of CDs on the Web just got bigger. Two of the world's largest record labels are getting together to operate a new music store, offering hits from Elton John to Puff Daddy. [Wired News]
Portal Competition Taking a Toll - Media Metrix survey shows Lycos, Go, Excite with declining visitors. Also: Congressional report says NASA computers are vulnerable.... Superagent Ovitz in online mall venture.... Russia wants to keep Mir alive, but needs money.... And more. [Wired News]
Portland Trumps AT&T in Court - A federal court judge on Friday dismissed an AT&T suit against Portland, Oregon, that sought to force the city to open up roadblocks in its acquisition of TCI. By Polly Sprenger. [Wired News]
Power to the PeoplePC - Hook up with fellow shopaholics online, score a free PC, and negotiate better bargains. Right on. By Jennifer Sullivan. [Wired News]
Prescribing Piles of Stock - In a 60-year medical career, C. Everett Koop has helped a lot of patients. Now the former surgeon general of the United States hopes to doctor up a Net IPO. By Craig Bicknell. [Wired News]

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