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whatUseek Collection Sites (submit a site ):
GreenBin >> We're Better Together - Social Networking focused on connecting people, ideas, news, videos and blogs focused on Socially Conscious. Progressive, Green, Environmentally Friendly living.
Freedom - Articles in Responce to Critics by L. Ron Hubbard - Scientology is seldom out from the news. Herein are articles by the Founder of Scientology, speaking out against critics of 1969 and 1970. The relevance of these articles is the same then as now. - Open place where users can express their ideas, opinions and thoughts using easy-to-use web tools.
Equality and Diversity Centre Gallant2000 - Equality and Diversity centre, based on providing information, guidance and training. We provide ebooks, elearning and personal guidance.
Croce Rossa Comitato Ascoli - Il Movimento Internazionale della Croce Rossa e della Mezzaluna Rossa costituisce la piĆ¹ grande organizzazione umanitaria del mondo.
Consumer Alliance for Energy Security - A coalition dedicated to alleviating the current U.S. energy crisis.
Green and Clean Maid Service - Green house cleaning for Atlanta and referrals to similar maidservices in U.S. Only HEPA vacuums, handheld steamers and environmentally friendly cleaners are used by licensed bonded and insured maids.
Democracy Rules - Allowing users to prioritize more than 350 critical social issues and enabling them to pledge resources to affect those issues, as well as deciding the recipient of their pledges.

whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
Anti-telemarketing EGBG Counterscript - A diagram of questions you can use to give a telemarketer a taste of their own medicine - "Don't give answers! Ask Questions!"
Jose Bove - Statement in court by French farmer, justifying his decision to illegally destroy genetically modified corn used by McDonalds in Europe.
Latino Education Network Service - Produces and distributes information about Latino and Latina history, including history of Latino activism, in the United States.
Life History & Media Project - What does it mean to be political these days? Young citizens tell their stories of using the media to inform themselves and get involved in politics.
OpenWords.Com - Site suggests why activism touches so few westerners and gives a simple why and how to speak up, to take a stand because activism is so important today.
Project S.I.T. - Sidewalk Initiative Team - protesting sidewalk ordinances in Tempe, AZ.
The Village Voice: Tech Wars in Meat Space by Erik Baard - Article on new less-lethal weapons police are looking at using to control protests, and new high tech devieces being used by protestors.
Tribute to Fallen Martyrs - This international tribute recognizes those who died for their beliefs in trying to do what they felt was right. These persons influenced history with their ideals and their actions.
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