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Snap's page on cigarettes - Information on smoking's effects from cancer to wrinkles; quitting methods; statistics.
South Carolina Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services: Tobacco Use - "Tobacco use is the nation's deadliest addiction. Smoking cigarettes is the leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. Over 400,000 Americans die every year from tobacco use. More people die from tobacco than from AIDS, car accidents, alcohol, suicides, homicides, fires, and illegal drugs combined." Summary of the effects of tobacco use.
Specimen 156.9: Lung: Emphysema - From a library of medical images, a lung with emphysema ("smoker's lung").
Spinal cord injury: Smoking and SCI - For SCI survivors who smoke there's even more bad news and more ill health effects than general population.
Study Finds More Lung Damage If Smokers Start Young - Resent research finds that permanent genetic changes that forever increase the risk of lung cancer take place in teens who smoke, even if they quit later in life. And the younger the smoking starts, the more damage is done.
Study: Smoking Doubles Risk of Dementia and Alzheimer's disease - Largest and most recent study indicates that smokers are twice as likely to develop Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia.
The Hurt Never Goes Away - Over 400,000 Americans die each year due to tobacco use. COST has provided a way for the survivors to express themselves, share their pain.
The Irreversible Health Effects of Cigarettes - Pamphlet from ACSH. Quitting greatly reduces risks, but some effects of smoking are permanent.
The Power of Addiction - Commentary on tobacco and addiction provides a brief summary of the nicotine's effect on behavior and physiology.
Tobacco BBS Health Information Page - Annotated collection of links on health effects of firsthand and secondhand smoking, spit tobacco, quitting.
Tobacco Use: United States, 1900-1999 - From the Cancer Network, a survey of smoking trends and their effects during the 20th century.
Tobacco and Birth Defects - Factsheet; all sources cited.
Tobacco and Cardiovascular Health - Commentary on the heart health effects of tobacco use.
Tobacco and Health - Short medical factsheet on health effects of smoking.
Tobacco, Colorectal Cancer, and Adenomas the evidence. - Another cancer now known to be caused by smoking.
WHO: The Tobacco Epidemic - The World Health Organization (WHO) summarizes the situation worldwide: "each year, tobacco causes about 3.5 million deaths throughout the world; this will increase to 10 million annual deaths during the 2020s, with seven million of these deaths occurring in developing countries. Half of these unnecessary deaths are occurring in middle age (35-69), robbing those killed of around 22 years of life."
WebMD/Lycos Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease: Emphysema and Chronic Bronchitis - Causes, diagnosis, and treatment.
What the Tobacco Companies Forgot to Tell You - Illustrated report from ASH Australia. Not for the faint hearted.
WhyQuit.Com - Graphic motivational material shows effects of tobacco on the human body; text explains how smokers can and do die young.
World Health Organization: A Global Status Report - Broken down by country. Thorough, yet succinct. 1997 data.

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