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Smoking and Cancer - ASH-UK factsheet covers the difference cancers caused by smoking and tobacco.
Smoking and Cancer - ASH-UK factsheet covers the difference cancers caused by smoking and tobacco.
Smoking and Diabetes - It's a bad combination, basically. The facts from the American Diabetes Association.
Smoking and Disease, Ash-UK basic facts #2 - Factsheet uses UK numbers to demonstrate health effects of smoking.
Smoking and Health Database - CDC collection of documents including reports, health effects.
Smoking and Injuries: An Overview - Research concludes that smoking may be an independent risk factor for thermal, motor vehicle, occupational, and other injuries.
Smoking and Lung Cancer - From a slide presentation in a medical school course on respiratory health.
Smoking and Quality of Life - Research summarizes health-related quality of life of never smokers, ex-smokers, and light, moderate, and heavy smokers.
Smoking and Respiratory Disease - Info from the Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria, Australia. Factsheet; diagrams; basic info.
Smoking and Respiratory Disease - Info from the Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria, Australia. Factsheet; diagrams; basic info.
Smoking and Your Health - Treatment, prevention, diagnosis, email groups, support groups, personal stories and more.
Smoking and cardiovascular Disease - Concise summary of effects of smoking on the heart, blood vessels, and brain.
Smoking and injuries - Research shows that cigarette smoking is a risk factor for exercise-related injuries.
Smoking and the Heart - U.S.News & World Report article.
Smoking can Lead to Blindness - Recent research adds to the evidence for the link between smoking and age-related macular degeneration. AMD is the leading cause of blindness among people over 65.
Smoking of tobacco - Discussion, graphics, and analysis of tobacco use, disease, and death.
Smoking's Deadly Effects - Statistics don't tell the whole story of tobacco disease and death. That's why PBS is running a program on Pam Laffin, a woman who tells her own story of emphysema caused by tobacco products. The story of how she got started smoking, how she discovered she had the disease, and how she lives her live now with one lung, is more compelling sometimes than any amount of statistics.
Smoking, the Heart, and Circulation - ASH-UK Factsheet on smoking and chronic heart disease, arterial disease, aneurysms, vascular disease, and stroke.
Smoking-Attributable Mortality, Years of Potential Life Lost -- US - Cigarette Smoking-Attributable Mortality and Years of Potential Life Lost -- United States, 1990. CDC analysis.
Smoking: The Health Effects - Smokers in their 30s and 40s are five times more likely to have a heart attack than non-smokers. Half of all smoking deaths are in middle age. Article from the BBC news summarizes.

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