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HOT Program - Hazards of Tobacco (HOT) video; requires RealPayer. Features speakers who've undergone surgical removal of their larynxes, who demonstrate one of tobacco's effects.
Health Consequences of Smoking - Overview; graphic analysis; illustrations; breakdown and concise summary by disease; bibliography.
Health Effects - Quick, sometimes graphic, documentation on impotence, blindness, breast cancer, the irreversible effects of smoking, lung cancer, and injuries.
Health Effects of Smoking - Bibliography of research.
Health effects of active smoking - Complete book chapter on health effects of cigarettes.
Hooked on Nicotine - Short article for mylifepath on nicotine, addiction, and health effects of tobacco.
How Smoking Affects The Way You Look - ASH-UK factsheet covers how smoking affects the skin, body shape, and weight.
How to prevent heart disease - Concise factsheet explaining how to prevent heart disease, available for downloading in Adobe acrobat format.
Infofax - Cigarettes and Other Nicotine Products - NIH short summary of nicotine effects.
Just the Facts - Very short factsheet on health effects of cigarettes and other tobacco products (cigars and spit tobacco).
Katlyn's Butt-head Page - "I am 11 years old and my mother has emphysema from smoking. Please listen to me - what it's like to have a sick Mom". A powerful story. A lot of tobacco's victims don't even smoke.
Lung Cancer and Cigarette Smoking - Thoracic surgeon Fred Grannis MD provides smokers, lung cancer patients and their families with information on cigarettes, smoking, cessation, and lung cancer risk, diagnosis, and treatment. Webpage design by one of his patients.
Lung Cancer and Cigarette Smoking Web Page - "Lung cancer is the number one cause of cancer deaths in both men and women in the United States. More than 160,100 Americans will die from lung cancer in 1998. Only 12-15% of patients with lung cancer are cured. More than 90% of lung cancers are preventable...My background is that of an ex-smoker and current thoracic surgeon, who has spent most of his adult life treating disease caused by tobacco. Finally after twenty years or so of this, I came finally to the realization that I was working on an assembly line that would continue to roll on forever. The only real way to treat these diseases is to shut off the assembly line where it begins, in North Carolina."
Lung Cancer for Patients - "In 1990 91,091 men and 50,194 women died of lung cancer. This is extremely sad as most of these deaths were preventable. The cause of most lung cancer is known and is avoidable". If you had a friend who was a pathologist and asked him for a bottom-line summary on the disease, its causes, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention, this is what you'd get. Lung Cancer Library - Both physician and patient versions of information sheets on smoking, secondhand smoke, lung cancer, metastases, clinical trials, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and short topics. The facts.
Mortality Attributable to Tobacco Use in Canada, 1994 and 1996 - Using data from the National Population Health Survey and the Canadian Mortality Database, estimates national and regional smoking-attributable deaths for 1994 and 1996.
Most Cancer Is Made, Not Born - Recent research shows that most cancer is caused by environmental exposure to carcinogens, not from preprogrammed genes; smoking is the single-most important avoidable cause of cancer and is directly responsible for 30 percent of all cases.
NCI: What You Need To Know About Lung Cancer - Pamphlet format. Covers the disease, who's at risk, recognizing symptoms, diagnosing lung cancer, the stages of the disease, treatment, side effects.
Nicotine Addiction - Concise factsheet.
OncoLink: Smoking and Cancer - Extensive set of links compiled by OncoLink. Plus original content. Covers tobacco sales, effects, secondhand smoke, news, quitting tips.

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