whatUseek Collection Sites (submit a site ):
Mining Industry – Information Jobs Companies Australia - www.miningplazza.com.au is a global mining industry directory containing information on mining companies, consultants and suppliers, jobs, equipment and much more.
whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
Bash Rox - Intended for collectors of minerals, rocks and fossils. Features specimen photos and location descriptions and photos, as well as identification guides and links.
Eastern (USA) Minerals Resources - Gateway to information on minerals and mineral resources research in the eastern United States.
Mars Meteorite - Description of the Mars meteorite
Matt's World of Minerals - Site dedicated to the visual learning of Minerals and Geology, containing pictures and information on geology, minerals, and fossils. Also has links to shops, encyclopedias, and a mini-geology database.
Mineral World - A guide to minerals, gemstones, their characteristics, properties, genesis, localities, uses, symbolism and history.
Mineral, Fossil, and Lapidary Network - Online information and links for collectors
Minerals of the United States - Click on the map to view pictures of minerals found in the chosen state.
Mountainbuilder's Rock and Mineral Site - Look at pictures from site owner's personal collection, as well as rocks from the Calvin College Geology Department. These rocks are from all over the United States.
Neville R. Hill - A consultant for mining and minerals. He has been published on development of non-metallic rock and mineral resources and building materials production especially in developing countries.
ST Group, Inc. - Provides services to the mineral industry for geological services, training, project finance assistance, geophysical services and computer applications throughout the geological industry.
Salt (MRBloch Archive) - A collection of material relating to salt [NaCl] and its influence on civilization. Includes sections on physiology, geology, archeology, palaeoclimatology, palaeogeography, production, religion, economics, and etymiology of salt.
The Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom - An interactive reference guide to rocks, minerals, and gemstones.
The Rock Gallery - Geological display of images and information including crystals, minerals and gems.
USGS Minerals Information - Statistics and information on the worldwide supply, demand, and flow of minerals and materials essential to the U.S. economy, the national security, and protection of the environment.