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Aicardi Syndrome *(8) Intracranial Hypertension (2)
Akinetic Mutism (3) Intracranial Hypotension (2)
Amblyopia *(5) Joubert Syndrome *(6)
Bardet-Biedl Syndrome (4) Kluver-Bucy Syndrome *(3)
Basal Ganglia (21) Laurence-Moon Syndrome *(4)
Brain Injury *(116) Lowe Syndrome *(5)
Cerebellar (4) Machado-Joseph *(5)
Cerebral Abscess (5) Metabolic (33)
Cerebral Edema (4) Miller Fisher Syndrome (3)
Chronic Damage (5) Moyamoya *(5)
Corticobasal Degeneration (4) Neoplasms *(20)
Dementia *(61) Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy (5)
Epilepsy *(206) Phenylketonuria *(5)
Familial Mediterranean Fever *(8) Pituitary *(74)
Hallervorden-Spatz Syndrome *(6) Schizencephaly *(3)
Headaches *(159) Transient Global Amnesia (5)
Hydrocephalus *(52) Zellweger Syndrome *(5)

whatUseek Collection Sites (submit a site ):
Welcome to Sobis - Sobis - Stroke and Other Brain Injury Support. We are here to help. Have products for sale, organizing fund raisers.

whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
Arachnoid Cysts - Information sheet compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
Brain - Includes the general characteristics, surface and internal anatomy.
Coma Waiting - A glossary of terms used for brain injury, A-Z.
Fahr's Syndrome - Information sheet compiled by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
Indiana University: NMD - A literature search from MEDLINE on Neuronal Migration disorder.
Megalencephaly - Also known as macrencephaly, an information sheet compiled by NINDS.
Meningioma Support and Information - This is a sign up page for those interested in this disease. Joining instructions or log in if already a member.
NORD - Thalamic Syndrome (Dejerine Roussy) - Offers synonyms, a general discussion and further resources.
Subdural Effusion - An overview from Adam, including symptoms, treatment and prevention.
Syracuse University - A brief tour of the brain, beginning with the history of studying it, the important large-scale components and their specific functions and the brain cells or the neurons.
The BrainWeb - Information about depression, injury, aging, learning, addiction, diseases, all in relation to the brain.
The Whole Brain Atlas - Excellent MRI views of the normal and diseased human brain. Collaboration of MIT and Harvard University.
Truman State University. - Images of the brain with names of the different segments which correspond with numbers to diseases. To learn the functions and locations of each segment.
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