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Breeding Program - Fact sheet presents a breeding and management shedule and flock management plan that incorporate successful management strategies.
Breeding Soundness Examination - A ram not only represents a sizeable investment but he also influence the economic return from the flock for years to come. Through a breeding soundness examination prior to the breeding season, rams of questionable or unsatisfactory breeding. potential can be identified
Breeding Soundness in Rams: How to Do It...
Elite Genetics - The latest in small ruminant reproduction technology such as artificial insemination, semen cryopreservation, embryo transfer and the Gourley Scope.
Fred's Micro, Inc. Sheep Program - Keeps records on entire flock of sheep. Allows producer to keep track of ewes in relation to other ewes in flock. Printouts show entire history of ewes, including lambs produced.
GENELINK - Genelink, in conjunction with Advanced Breeding Services, offers clients a total livestock project management service.
Genetic Enterprises - Artificial sheep breeding technology.
Genetic Gains Ltd. - Ram semen marketing, artificial breeding, artificial insemination and embryo transfer services.
Genetics for Sheep Breeders - Basic principles for flock improvement. Includes explanations of common genetic terms.
Gestation Table for Sheep and Goats - Based on 150 day gestation. Calculate breeing dates based on when you want to have lambs "on the ground."
Global Genetics - Global Genetics is a Dutch company who sells semen, embryos and livestock from sheep and goats
LAMBPLAN - LAMBPLAN is a national genetic improvement system for sheep contributing to the production of prime lambs.
Lambplan Genetic Sheep Evaluation. - Australia's system for describing genetic worth of animals used in sheepmeat sheep industry.
Management Strategies for Improved Fall-Lambing - Of the three major lambing seasons, fall lambing (September to November) is the most difficult to accomplish because of the inability of most breeds of sheep to cycle and breed in the spring and early summer. Research conducted by Virginia Tech Animal Scientists during the past ten years has demonstrated techniques that consistently put October and November lambing rates at 60 percent and higher.
Maternal Animals, Terminal Animals and Crossbreeding - Exactly what do the terms "maternal" and "terminal/paternal" mean and how can you take advantage of these traits?
Merino Breeding - Genetic evaluation, research in progress, and transferring technology to industry.
National Polypay Sire Summary - This site lists top sires for the Polypay breed from across flock NSIP summaries.
National Sheep Improvement Program - NSIP offers a computerized genetic performance evaluation program,designed to help identify high-producing replacements, cull poor-producing animals, and assess overall management strengths and weaknesses.
Northeast Sheep and Goat Genetics - Northeast Sheep and Goat Genetics offers export tested semen and breeding stock for both international and domestic sale. Emphasis is on conformation, herd health and production (milk and meat). Goat breeds include; Alpine, Saanen, Nubian, Toggenburg and La Mancha. We can also offer artificial insemination equipment and technical assistance.
Ram Percentage - In itself, the percentage of rams used in a flock is usually not critical to getting a good lambing percentage. But sometimes more than the minimum number of rams should be supplied.

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