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Ram Selection - As day length increases and temperatures warm, a sheep producer's interest turns to ram selection!
Ram Selection, A Critical Decision - Ram selection is a critical decision that can affect a flock for years and for generations. To be successful a ram cannot be expected to solve all your problems but rather to receive help from you in all the above areas.
Replacement Ewe Lamb Production - Ewe lambs born in March and April are excellent candidates to be used as replacement ewes in spring-lambing flocks. With proper feeding and breeding management, spring-born ewe lambs should be in production by the time they are 12 to 14 months of age.
Reproductive Characteristics of Sheep - Factors affecting fertility and reproduction in rams and ewes.
Reproductive Herd Health - Springwood Livestock Management Services specializes in herd health, preventative medicine, reproductive problem solving, ultrasounding, synchronization and artificial insemination programs.
Reproductive Management of the Ewe Flock and the Ram - Reproduction in sheep is influenced by numerous factors. These include: genetic potential, nutritional status, environmental factors, daylength or photoperiod effects, health status and other factors. These factors are important in both the ram and the ewe.
Reproductive Problems in Rams - Systematic examination of all males to be used for breeding can prevent reproductive failure, minimize nonpregnant ewes, and increase numbers of lambs born early during lambing season.
Selecting the Right Ram - An individual ram will be mated to many ewes, making the selection of a ram particularly important. A new ram will significantly influence your lamb crop and therefore your revenue. As a result, you dont want any unpleasant surprises. This article tells how you can use EPDs help you choose the "right" ram.
Sheep Flock Improvement Program EPDs - Using Estimated Progeny Difference to make genetic improvements and increase flock performance.
Sheep Pregnancy Checking By Ultrasonic Sound - Ultrasonic sound waves of about 2 million cycles per second can pass through living tissue. Used to determine sheep pregnancy, these sound waves are painless and have no harmful after-effects to the ewe or fetus.
Sheep and Their Sex Life - Management to Optimize Reproduction.
The Selection of Replacement Females - While it is true that ram selection can have the greatest short term impact on a flock, the selection of replacement females of sound structure and genetics will help to ensure the continuance of a high quality, problem free breeding unit.
The Sheep Flock Improvement Program - SFIP is a home testing genetic improvement program designed to assist Ontario purebred and commercial sheep producers in the evaluation of potential breeding stock and to provide a measure of the comparative productivity of ewes in the flock. Enrollment info and data available.
Using Ram Lambs for Breeding - This NebGuide explains how ram lambs can be most efficiently used in a breeding program and provides management suggestions for a successful program.

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