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Cheap PCs Tied to Rental Apps - A Utah company is selling personal computers at a loss, hoping to attract subscribers to its Internet-based software-leasing program. By Leander Kahney. [Wired News]
Chemical Erector Set for Release - A new drug for impotence provides the same uplifting results as Viagra, but without the frightening side effects. Uprima is undergoing trials before being presented to the FDA. [Wired News]
Chiapas' Well-Connected Rebels - For four years, the Zapatistas have used the Internet to fight the Mexican government in real time. Now, foreign groups are lending a hand, over shortwave radio. By Christopher Jones. [Wired News]
China Satellite Deal Shot Down - The Clinton administration reportedly reverses itself amidst charges that US satellite sales to China could harm national security. [Wired News]
Chip Accelerates Drug Screening - A new chip technology helps scientists match drugs to genetic mutations in humans. It may better arm doctors to recommend treatments. By Kristen Philipkoski. [Wired News]
Chip Blocks Cell-Phone Emissions - A new chip has been developed to protect users from cell-phone radiation. Litigation-conscious phone manufacturers are wary. By Polly Sprenger. [Wired News]
Chips Ahoy - Sony unveils its new PlayStation super-chip and wows an annual gathering of leading processor designers. Leander Kahney reports from San Francisco. [Wired News]
Chips Track Rogue Elephants - Officials in Thailand are trying to limit the stampede of illegal elephants in Bangkok by implanting microchips under their thick hides. The smuggled pachyderms are being used to panhandle tourists. [Wired News]
Chit-Chat: Whenever, Wherever - Coming to a Palm or pager near you: your buddy list. AOL, Microsoft, and Yahoo pair with communications vendors to provide instant messaging. By John Gartner. [Wired News]
Cisco Strikes Back - The network-hardware vendor responds to Lucent's acquisition of Ascend with a few juicy tidbits about a superfast new routing architecture. Details are scant so far. By Joanna Glasner. [Wired News]
Click Here for a Privacy Policy - Microsoft rolls out the Privacy Wizard, a pre-fab privacy service meant to proliferate privacy policies across the Web. Observers cautiously see it as a decent start for building privacy into the Web's data structure. By Chris Oakes. [Wired News]
Clone OS to Run Windows Apps - A Tasmanian company joins the growing ranks of developers cooking up programs that will run Windows applications without requiring software from Microsoft. By Joe Nickell. [Wired News]
Cloned Back to Life? - The Tasmanian Tiger has been extinct for three decades, yet some scientists think they can bring it back to life with some perfectly preserved DNA. Stewart Taggart reports from Australia. [Wired News]
Code-Breaking Record Shattered - In only 22 and a half hours, a bulky, homebrew computer cracks what was once the gold standard cipher for scrambling government data. The winner takes home US$10,000. By James Glave. [Wired News]
Collective Computing Breaks Up - Their little project tapped the power of idle computers on the Net to crack encryption codes in record time. Now the founders of go their separate ways. By Chris Oakes. [Wired News]
Colorado Girl Wins Science Prize - A 14-year-old particle physics student wins the Intel Science Talent Search, the youngest winner ever in the prestigious contest. [Wired News]
Coming Soon: Back Orifice 2000 - The Cult of the Dead Cow preps a new, more powerful release of its notorious hacking program -- just in time for Def Con 7. By Niall McKay. [Wired News]
Coming Soon: Movies On Demand? - French TV viewers will be able to download movies at their discretion. Also: Simon Schuster takes the e-book plunge. [Wired News]
Communicator Sings and Shops - What can you possibly add to a browser these days to make it hip? Netscape Communicator 4.7 tries shopping and music. [Wired News]
Compaq Adds Security to Handheld - Compaq debuts a handheld device with a built-in smart-card reader. Also: FedEx will provide package tracking to users of wireless handheld devices. [Wired News]

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