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Deja News Monitors Email Links - Someone emails you about your Usenet posting listed on Deja News, but before you receive the message, the Deja News server knows it's on the way. Is it a case of sloppy code or is it a privacy invasion? By Chris Oakes. [Wired News]
Detectives in the Digital Age - In the online crime world, the guys in white hats are ahead of the guys in black hats. But computer security experts warn that online criminal activity is increasing, and the perpetrators are growing more sophisticated. [Wired News]
Devising the Sense of Touch - An MIT grad student invents an implant that may make artificial limbs able to feel. It all started with an Erector set. [Wired News]
Diabetes Drugs: A Better Way - Doctors say there are plenty of promising treatments to replace Rezulin, which the FDA restricted last week after some patients suffered liver damage. [Wired News]
Diabetes Mystery Solved? - Scientists identify the protein that may cause "juvenile" diabetes. Further research could lead to a treatment for one in 10 diabetes sufferers. [Wired News]
Did MS Dig Its Hotmail Hole? - Microsoft may have created the massive Hotmail security hole by leaving a backdoor script up on its servers. That's an all-too-common flub, according to the experts. By James Glave. [Wired News]
Digging for Big Bang Fossils - Hoping to find answers about the Big Bang that some believe created the universe, scientists will launch a satellite designed to sift through light waves in search of hydrogen, a primordial element. [Wired News]
Digital Evolution Enters Debate - Scientists observe evolution in progress with a computer program that creates digital organisms. It gives you the feeling you're not in Kansas anymore. By Kristen Philipkoski. [Wired News]
Digital Music Do-Alls - A new entrant in the MP3 portable market blurs the line between music player and personal organizer. [Wired News]
Digital Signatures for the Palm - PenOp releases the first electronic signature application for the Palm platform. Also: LookSmart will provide directory content for Excite. [Wired News]
Digital TV Gets Small - Microtune has figured out a way to shrink the critical electronics of DTV onto a single chip. Pretty soon, you might be able to watch high-res ER on your cell phone. By Chris Oakes. [Wired News]
Digitally Detecting Forgeries - Bankrolled by the US Department of Justice, researchers at the State University of New York at Buffalo are developing software to seek out phony signatures. By Joe Ashbrook Nickell. [Wired News]
Dinosaurs: Long-Necked Cows? - New research shows dinosaurs were more like cows than giraffes. Their long, graceful necks were used to graze on grass, rather than treetops. [Wired News]
Docs to Jocks: Heads Up - New research shows that football and soccer players risk permanent damage from concussions on the playing field. [Wired News]
Doctors to the Stars - Injuries, major and minor, are the football player's lot in life. When he goes down, the athletic trainer is the first friendly face he sees. By Kristen Philipkoski. [Wired News]
Dolly's DNA Damaged - Scientists who cloned the first mammal say her source material's age has affected her DNA structure. This could make researchers sheepish on cloning clones or older adults. [Wired News]
Domain Lookup Site 'Vanishes' - Internic has been absorbed by Network Solutions' corporate Web site. Critics say it's unfair to claim a Net resource. By Chris Oakes. [Wired News]
Domain Name Glitch Plagues Users - Competition in the domain name registration market couldn't come soon enough for some people. Network Solutions' latest gaffe allows unauthorized users to make Web site changes, while many sites' contact information mysteriously disappears. By Chris Oakes. [Wired News]
Domain Name List Is Dwindling - A Wired News investigation found that the .com versions of nearly all popular words have been taken. Of 25,500 standard dictionary words we checked, only 1,760 were free. By Declan McCullagh. [Wired News]
Don't Break It to Me, Doc - People at risk inherited cancer would rather not know about it. In a new study, more than half opted to avoid tests to show their genetic disposition. [Wired News]

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