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Microworkz Signs On AT&T - Dumped by Earthlink just days ago, the PC provider smoothes its feathers and turns to AT&T to provide iToaster customers with free Net access. [Wired News]
Migraine: A Pain in the Meninges - New research indicates that migraine headaches may be related to meningitis. The similar symptoms were the giveaway for one scientist. [Wired News]
Millennium Bug: Nowhere to Hide - Even the most advanced countries will suffer some disruption, say those attending a global Y2K conference in Manila. There's no cause for alarm, they say, but a contingency plan might not be a bad idea. [Wired News]
Mir's Demise May Be Near - The venerable, if problem-plagued, space station, a symbol of Russian technological prowess, may be dumped into the Pacific Ocean after all, since no private money can be found to keep it in orbit. [Wired News]
Mir's Hope: Shed Light on Earth - Old space stations don't fade away. They just embark on odd experiments -- like the one involving the sun, a very large mirror, and the frigid north. [Wired News]
Mir's Mirror a No-Go - The Mir space station's troubles with a giant, light-casting mirror apparently mean Russia's north will remain shrouded in wintertime gloom. [Wired News]
Mir's Star Turn - A filmmaker's plan to shoot a movie aboard the financially imperiled Russian Space Station could be Mir's saving grace. [Wired News]
Mitigating the Effects of Stroke - A sugar-coated protein molecule protects laboratory rats from the debilitating effects of strokes. What are the implications for humans? By Kristen Philipkoski. [Wired News]
Mitnick Sentenced to 46 Months - It will be another year before celebrity cracker Kevin Mitnick is a free man. But he could be released to a halfway house this fall. Douglas Thomas reports from Los Angeles. [Wired News]
Mix 'n' Match PowerBook? - Apple Computer scores a patent that allows users to switch cases of their laptop computers. The age of multiple choice iMac portables may be closer than we think. By James Glave. [Wired News]
Moms Smoke, Men Fume - A new study shows the sons of women who smoked more than a pack of cigarettes a day during pregnancy were twice as likely to be arrested for violent crimes as the sons of non-smoking mothers. [Wired News]
More Antique Apples on the Block - The father of the original Macintosh project will put three early Apple machines up for auction next week. By cleaning house, he could make enough to send his kids to college. By Leander Kahney. [Wired News]
More Tech Backers for Linux - Red Hat gets a new round of financing from IBM, Compaq, and Novell. Also: Communicator 4.51 hits the Web.... Linux OS' Debian gets an update. [Wired News]
More Trouble for Mir - Russian cosmonauts switch to a back-up navigational system following a malfunction in the space station's main computer. Officials say it's nothing serious. [Wired News]
More than Words Display - The newest weapon in the fight to protect copyrights is a search engine that scours the Net for photos, logos, and other images instead of words. [Wired News]
Morning Glories Go 'Boing'? - Scientists discover a morning glory plant extract that, when combined with extract from another plant, enabled the Mayans to create the bouncy rubber balls they used in the ball games of the pre-pre-NCAA era. [Wired News]
Moscow's Mea Culpa - A Russian space official shoulders the blame for his country's failure to deliver International Space Station components on time. [Wired News]
Moscow, We Have a Problem - The issue of Russia's sending missile technology to Iran is throwing a monkey wrench into an agreement to allow US satellites to be launched from Russian sites. [Wired News]
Most Office Workers Use IE - Microsoft surpasses Netscape at work with a 59 percent share of the Web browser market. Also: Netscape's browser upgrade ties the software more closely to the AOL and Netscape portals. [Wired News]
Motorola: Fighting Back Online - After ceding market ground to Nokia and Ericcson, the company unveils a barrage of new products -- and says that all its mobile phones will be Net-capable by the end of 2000. [Wired News]

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