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Cyberspace Braces for Bay of PICS - Some members of the post-CDA Congress are considering content-rating systems calls that will let Websurfers view cyberspace through sophisticated filters. [Wired News]
DBS Wannabe Says It's a Space Homesteader - Telquest Ventures has been trying to convince the FCC to let it start a broadcast service from a Canadian satellite. With more conventional arguments rejected, the company is arguing that it has established homesteading rights in space. [Wired News]
DNC Put a Price on Time with First Lady - Evidence surfaces that in the pursuit of campaign cash, the Democrats sold face time not only with the president, but with his wife, too. [Wired News]
DOJ To Brief Companies on Espionage Act - Foreign high-tech companies could face prosecution under an obscure law. [Wired News]
Dallas Morning News Makes Media History - When the paper broke its story about Timothy McVeigh's reported jailhouse confession on its Web site, journalism changed. [Wired News]
Danes Stampede for Domain Names - When Denmark decided to loosen up its tight Nordic rules on buying Internet domain names, a very familiar chaos visited the orderly kingdom. [Wired News]
Dear Senator: Help! - How worried about the corporatization of media is Jon Katz? Worried enough to write a letter to a politician in Washington. [Wired News]
Deaths in the Family? - Jon Katz examines what Heaven's Gate suicides mean to the digital nation. [Wired News]
Defending Virtuous Reality - On his book tour in DC, Jon Katz plays the ambassador from Hell, official spokesman and apologist for the dark side. [Wired News]
Defying Devolution - If you think Congress is showing signs of dealing rationally with the nascent online economy by proposing the Internet Tax Freedom Act - a two-year moratorium on state and local Internet-commerce taxes - you're about half right. [Wired News] Brings Congress to Your Monitor - The new site will try to fill the chasm between the pols and the people by allowing netizens to fire questions at lawmakers during congressional debate. [Wired News]
Democrats Ask Clinton to Shift Crypto Stance - The New Democrat Coalition, whose members' fiscal conservatism and social liberalism would appear to make them the president's pals, ask him to drop his restrictive approach to encryption export. [Wired News]
Designed to Annoy, Web Site Flouts CDA - will launch smart, scathing commentary Thursday - and file a lawsuit against Janet Reno. [Wired News]
Dialog Breaks Out at Nader Confab - With some of the most aggressive Microsoft antagonists leaving the scene, a substantive discussion erupts about Microsoft's practices and US antitrust law. [Wired News]
Did Breaking News Network Break the Law? - Officers of a pager news service are rebutting federal charges that they eavesdropped on New York City police and city officials. [Wired News]
Did Gates Really Say 640K is Enough For Anyone? - Jon Katz cites Bill Gates' impassioned denial that he ever said anything as potentially unprofitable as the quote attributed to him. [Wired News]
Digerati Cred Doesn't Fly, But He Loves LA - Jon Katz goes to LA and finds no one cares what he does, only who he knows. And who's that billboard diva who so fascinates him? [Wired News]
Digital Signature Bill on the Way - With states implementing a wide array of laws on online authentication, a senator promises federal action. [Wired News]
Digital TV Will Cramp Some Stations' Style - The FCC releases details of digital channel assignments for broadcasters. Some stations stand to lose substantial market share. [Wired News]
Digital-TV Donnybrook Reaches Final Round - After months of posturing, a decision is expected this week on how soon digital broadcasts will begin in the biggest US markets. [Wired News]

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