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California Government Edges into Digital Sunshine - A bill that would require electronic filing of campaign-finance documents for all statewide campaigns wins big in the state Senate. But some worry that the bill will be derailed by partisan battles. [Wired News]
California Ponders Tamer Cyberpredation Law - The first wave of legislation on sex and the Internet was typified by overreactions like the CDA. A California bill nearing passage takes a more careful tack, extending penalties for preying on children by phone or mail to electronic media as well. [Wired News]
California Takes on Human Cloning - A bill making its way through the Golden State's Legislature would impose a five-year moratorium on attempts to genetically replicate humans. [Wired News]
California Weighs In on Crypto - Both houses of the state Legislature cast unanimous votes calling for passage of congressional legislation that would liberalize US encryption-export policy. [Wired News]
Campaign-Finance Documents Going Electric - A survey of states shows that although the pace is slow, the idea is spreading. [Wired News]
Can Spectrum Sales Save the Kids? - One senator sees ongoing FCC spectrum sales as a way to buy health insurance for poor kids. But meager returns from the most recent auction raise doubts about the plan. [Wired News]
Canadian Cops Keep Kashpureff Caged - The AlterNIC domain-name guerrilla was granted bail in a Monday hearing in Toronto, only to have police swear out a new warrant to keep him in jail. [Wired News]
Canadian Election Law Prompts Web Site Battle - A Canadian Web developer is threatened with prosecution for putting up an anonymous site touting the Green Party. Privacy advocates say the government is threatening free discourse online. [Wired News]
Canadian Media Smarter, More Rational Than US - Jon Katz finds civility north of American soil. [Wired News]
Catalonia Trying to Establish 'Virtual State' - With online referendum on independence and drive to secure a unique top-level domain name, the Mediterranean region seeks to establish a measure of independence. [Wired News]
Caveat Emptor - Politics, in the marketing era, becomes not so much a matter of ideology as of gullibility - not so much a matter of what we believe in as what we are willing to believe. [Wired News]
Censorship Isn't What It Used to Be - Jon Katz begins a series on the new censorship and the censor in all of us. [Wired News]
Chemical Weapons Won't Just Vanish - The US Senate's passage of the chemical weapons treaty leaves a big logistical issue: How to pay for getting rid of existing arms stockpiles and keep bad guys from getting hold of nasty stuff. [Wired News]
Chilean Press Flouts Drug-Case Censorship - A judge told journalists not to print stories about a big drug scandal. Maybe she hadn't heard about this thing called the Internet. [Wired News]
Choosing a Private Path to Policy Goals - Christine Varney believes she can be more effective in developing e-commerce policy in a private law practice than she would be in her post at the Federal Trade Commission. [Wired News]
Cities Looking to Exploit Victory over TCI - A federal appeals court said that cable giant Tele-Communications Inc. was out of bounds when it unilaterally lowered franchise fees it owes cities. The cities are getting ready to strike back. [Wired News]
Cities, States Decry Net Tax Ban - The people in charge of making things work outside Washington say passing bills to impose an indefinite ban on special Net taxes would interfere with their power and place them in a fiscal bind. [Wired News]
Clinton Insider Goes to SF Investment Bank - Tim Newell, widely credited for fostering the mutually rewarding relationship between the Clinton administration and the tech industry, takes a job with Robertson Stephens. [Wired News]
Clinton Proposes Hike For Embattled Tech Program - The president wants more money for an incubator program for new technologies. Deficit hawks say it's a waste. [Wired News]
Clinton's $5 Billion Plan to Slow Global Warming - In advance of December's world summit on climate change, the president outlines plans to reduce emission of greenhouse gases to 1990 levels. [Wired News]

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