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Europe Readies Net Content Ratings - Dissatisfied with the cultural blind spots of US-developed rating systems, Britain's Net watchdog group is leading an effort to develop a less Yank-centric model. [Wired News]
Eword: Democracy 2.0 - A Dutch new-media guru wants to develop programs that directly tap into citizen's opinions without government officials as middlemen. [Wired News]
Eword: Not a Penny for Your Thoughts - If you sign an intellectual property agreement with your employer, you may want to think twice before sharing your joie de innovation. [Wired News]
Eword: Privacy Protector - The Sight Laser 400 picks up all optical lenses, making it the perfect paparazzi buster. [Wired News]
Eword: - Congress has been threatening to legislate domain names, basing its decisions on false assumptions. [Wired News]
Experts Dubious of MS Loophole Gambit - To integrate Windows 95 and Internet Explorer, Microsoft is trying to barge through a hole in a 1995 federal court order. Observers aren't sure the opening is big enough for the Redmond giant to get through. [Wired News]
FBI Crypto Bill Seeks Instant Data Access - Bureau Director Louis Freeh, in a bid to derail a bill that would liberalize federal policy on encryption, proposes a substitute that would require crypto software to allow instantaneous deciphering of data. [Wired News]
FBI Seeks New Comment on Wiretap System - The bureau wants to know whether provisions it has made for getting information from phone companies are unduly expensive or complex. [Wired News]
FBI To Open More Cybercrime Units - G-Men will set up shops in Los Angeles in other regions in keeping with an executive order on protecting infrastructure. [Wired News]
FCC Amends Spectrum Auction Rules - In the race for spectrum, the FCC promises to streamline the tangled process of selling bandwidth. [Wired News]
FCC Approves Digital TV Plan - Under a compromise voluntary schedule 22 network-owned or network-affiliated stations in the 10 largest US markets will begin sending digital signals by the end of 1998. [Wired News]
FCC Chairman Hundt Resigns - With 13 months left in his term and the last major decision of the Telecom Act of 1996 in place, he decides to leave to spend time with his family. Also, key events in Hundt's tenure. [Wired News]
FCC Chairman Hundt Resigns - With 13 months left in his term and the last major decision of the Telecom Act of 1996 in place, he decides to leave to spend time with his family. Also, key events in Hundt's tenure. [Wired News]
FCC Chief's Phone Rules Remarks Spark Anger - Key members of Congress express displeasure with Reed Hundt's assertion that the agency simply can't come up with new universal phone-service rules by a May deadline. [Wired News]
FCC Chief: Competition Key to Rural Phone Rates - Hundt tells congressional critics that new universal service rules will bring more providers to the West and other rural areas. [Wired News]
FCC Creates Unlicensed Data Radio Service - It's a small step toward tapping a deep reservoir of cheap Net access. But lobbying and legal wrangling could stall progress. [Wired News]
FCC Cuts through Emergency Static - There'll be less interference on the airwaves for police, ambulance drivers, and forest rangers under a consolidation plan adopted Thursday. [Wired News]
FCC Issues Landmark Phone Rules - The Federal Communications Commission orders a sharp reduction in the $25 billion long-distance companies pay to local phone providers, and cut-rate Net access for schools. Critics say too much was left undone. [Wired News]
FCC Moves to Take Online Comment - After a flash flood of email on ISP charges shows the popularity of submitting comments online, the agency embraces a Web comment system. [Wired News]
FCC Nominee Gets Earful from Senate Panel - William Kennard is still on track to follow Reed Hundt as the agency's chairman. But members of the Senate Commerce Committee made it clear they think the FCC should be doing more to speed up implementation of the 1996 Telecommunications Act. [Wired News]

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