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Indigenous People
Native Americans
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Indigenous Peoples Law
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whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
Aboriginal Fisheries Management
- Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans overview of management agreements and rules.
Aboriginal Law and Legislation
- Aboriginal law and legislation including those affecting Canadian First Nations.
American Indian Movement
- American Indian, social and political service group, with information and contacts.
Delgamuukw National Process
- Designed to support and assist First Nations in their efforts to breathe life into the Delgamuukw judgement.
Draft Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
- Sub-Commission on Prevention of Discrimination and Protection of Minorities.
Flags of the Native American Peoples of the United States
- Index to images and historical backgrounds.
Index of Native American Legal Resources on the Internet
- Legal programs, centers, and news for indigenous peoples in the Americas.
Indian Country Criminal Jurisdiction
- A guide on determination of which sovereign has jurisdiction to prosecute crimes which occur in Indian country. Includes tribal law enforcement links.
Intertribal Court of California
- The Intertribal Court of California provides justice in Indian country by hearing and settling onreservation housing disputes, hearing and settling Indian Child Welfare disputes and providing peacekeeping services under the authority of the Court.
Pan Arctic Inuit Logistics
- Operates and maintains the Canadian portion of the North Warning System on behalf of the Department of National Defence (DND). PAIL is 100% owned and controlled by the Inuit in the four Inuit land claims settlement regions of Canada.
University of Saskatchewan: Native Law Centre
- A national law centre that seeks to provide ways in which the aspiration of the Aboriginal peoples can be achieved in the Canadian legal system and to make the law more accessible to Aboriginal people.
White Clay--The Devil's Playground
- The conflict between Pine Ridge reservation and White Clay, a nearby liquor store enclave that has set up just outside its borders to sell the Indians beer.
With Perfect Justice
- Nez Perce treaty documents and U.S. governmental papers on the topic.
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