whatUseek Collection Sites (submit a site ):
Oracles Nouveau - Original, cybermantic oracle readings and tools. Good stuff for a little R and D, or just plain old fortune telling.
whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
Breaking The Trance of Life. - How to find your inborn intuitive free will, the true gift of the universe.
Dance With Angels - The spiritual views of Dr. James M. Peebles plus Linda Pendleton's angel cards, photos, and materials.
Dr. Charles T. Tart's Virtual Library - Covers consciousness, altered states of consciousness, dreams, Gurdjieff, hypnosis, meditation, mindfulness, personal growth, parapsychology, transpersonal psychology, and how to be both a scientific person and a spiritual seeker.
From the Source Newsletter - Sharing the news of humanity's evolutionary path Of remembrance; tools for transformation; and information about The New Plan.
Holosynthesis - Method of helping one disidentify from the psychological processes seen as problems in order to link up with the non-conditioned self and to explore and create new life experiences.
Institute of Noetic Sciences - Focuses on consciousness and human potential. Conducts and sponsors research into the workings and powers of the mind, including perceptions, beliefs, attention, intention, and intuition. "We are bold enough to inquire about phenomena that don't fit into the conventional scientific model."
Integrated Psychology - Integrated Psychology provides a creative, cutting-edge approach for the individual interested in growing beyond the limits of traditional or one-dimensional treatment modalities as separate experiences. These techniques are effective in assisting with pain relief, dealing with emotional difficulties, and reducing stress.
Lyricalworks: The Hero's Journey - It is possible to see your entire life as a hero's journey...and at the end of your life, you have the opportunity to look back with wonder, awe, and compassionate understanding at all that you have learned and experienced.
Mind - Links and thoughts on topics such as: consciousness, IQ, the brain, memory improvement, attention deficit disorder, mind control, self-development, intuition, higher-self, and alien abduction.
Scheinfeld, Robert - A site to learn about and discuss "The Invisible Path to Success" books of Robert Scheinfeld. Discover 7 steps you can take to understand and manage the unseen forces shaping your life.
Spiritual Psychology - Healing of soul and spirit and finding your life's purpose through books and workshops on spiritual psychology, inner child work and transformational counseling.
The Growth Forum - Ideas on personal growth, business development, and social development.
The Halcyon Cosmopolitan Entertainment - Humanistic, Transpersonal and Quantum Psychology. The Politics of Consciousness: Information Communication Awareness.
The Happiness Hike - A site dedicated to the pursuit of happiness, with original, practical ideas unpublished elsewhere.
The Illuminated Mind - A section of Illuminations Online, with categorized experiential articles and links to sites pertinent to the mind, its function, and potential.
Ultimategoals - John Ryder, Ph.D. offers skills and tools for people to achieve their goals.