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whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
How Landowners Can Prevent Invasive Plant Species - Tips offered for the average homeowner, gardener.
How to Prevent the Spread of Noxious Weeds - Controlling weeds poses a special dilemma because, once a weed infestation is identified, it is often already so large that containment is difficult and expensive.
Idaho Weed Summit - The Spread of Invasive Weeds in Western Wildlands.
Impact of Invasive Plants - learn about the history of invasive plants, and the impact they are having on Canada's ecosystems.
Influence of Invasive Species on Coastal Plant Communities - Abstracts of studies done on the California coast.
Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry - Invasive Species Research Team - Provides new information on the ecology of invasive plant species; on the impacts of invasive species on forest health, management and restoration; especially in the native ecosystems of Hawaii and the Pacific Islands.
Invasive Exotic Plants of Canada - History of non-native plants in Canada, and some of the solutions being used to control them.
Invasive Grass Species In Southern Africa - Invasiveness of a perennial soil pathogen-sensitive grass (Ammophila arenaria) and an annual grass (Cenchrus biflorus) in Southern Africa are studied in relation to soil pathogens, mycorrhizal fungi and genetic structure.
Invasive Non-Native Plant Species - This is a list of vascular plant species which are invasive into "natural areas" in Connecticut.
Invasive Plant Alert and Action Plan - The IPAP addresses the need for actions to deal with the spread of invasive plants by undertaking a contact program with naturalist clubs and other groups across Canada.
Invasive Plant Control, Inc. - Utilizes advanced techniques for the removal and management of non-native exotic invasive pest plants.
Invasive Plants of Canada - Information on projects that in some way further our understanding of the biology, spread and control of invasive species.
Invasive Plants of Canada Project (IPCAN) - Thehis project grew out of an initiative in 1991 by the Habitat Conservation Divison, Canadian Wildlife Service (CWS) to compile information on invasive exotic plants of wetland and upland habitats.
Invasive Plants of Natural Habitats in Canada - The impacts of evasive aliens on Canada's ecosystems.
Invasive Species - USGS Biological resources that deal with invasive plant species.
Invasive Species - And then they came - The story of how different trees, shrubs and herbs found their way into our gardens and natural areas is as diversified as the plants themselves.
Invasive Species Database Workshops - Workshops from 1997 and 1997 dealing with invasive species.
Invasive Woody Plants in the Tropics Research Group - Global review of invasions resulting in a comprehensive database, an analysis of common characteristics and recommendations for management and control.
Invasive plant wipes out native wildflowers - News article about the impact of nonnative garlic mustard in the eastern United States.
Invasive species threaten healthy ecosystems, ENN Daily News -- 5/17/99 - Research article on invasive plant species.

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