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3D Imaging of Ground Penetrating Radar Data - Research into data resolution.
Cariboo Gold - Searching for pre-glacial channels in the Cariboo gold area using seismic refraction techniques.
Cerbranetics Institute - Two theories on earths magnetic field source (modern and conventional), with information on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Links to models
Commonground Rock Properties Database - Database of the physical and geological properties of rock- and mineral samples. Also contains photos, descriptions and X-ray compositions.
Exploration Geophysics Group - Research using seismic and ground penetrating radar (GPR) interpratation at the University of Trieste, Italy.
GSC National Geomagnetism Program - Contains resources of the Geological Survey of Canada on the ever-changing magnetic field of Canada.
Ganquan Xie - Parallel modeling and inversion algorithm for geophysical modeling.
Geophysical Meteors - Meteor-like geophysical phenomena, often preceding bad weather.
Geophysical Statistics Project - Encourages the application and further development of statistical analysis to the problems faced in the earth sciences.
Ground Penetrating Radar - Images of archaeological, geological engineering gpr data. Acquisition and processing ground probing radar. Site is in both English and Italian.
Impact Structures - Geology, geophysics, and petrology of impact structures (meteorite impact craters) with special focus on the Azuara and Rubielos de la CĂ©rida impact structures (Spain)
Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology Consortium - IRIS is a university research consortium dedicated to exploring the Earth's interior through the collection and distribution of seismographic data.
Institute of Geophysics - Victoria University of Wellington. Website has information about the university's geophysics programs, seismology, meteorology, New Zealand volcanoes and earthquakes, and earthquakes in general.
Lab of Regional Geodynamics (Moscow) - The laboratory studies structure of tectonic stresses in the Earth's crust and belongs to Institute for Dynamics of the Geospheres, Russian Academy of Sciences. Site in both Russian and English.
Michael Studinger's Homepage - Geophysical and glaciological research on the Antarctic continent with aerogeophysical methods.
Monash University Exploration Geophysics - Describes geophysical research programs and course content at Monash University in Australia. Provides a summary of geophysical methods for exploration, geotechnical, groundwater, and environmental surveys. Provides links for commercial services and the National Geoscience Teaching Network (NGTN).
Seismic Reservoir Characterization Laboratory - Research program at Virginia Tech to develop methods to determine the parameters for the statistical reservoir models from seismic data.
Seismic Waves - Information about seismic surface waves signal processing.
Sharp Deconvolution - A novel approach to the comprehensive elimination of multiples, which combines both waveform inversion (SDec) and statistical estimation (MSvE).
The Exploration of the Earth's Magnetosphere - Home page of a detailed non-mathematical introduction to the research on the Earth's magnetic environment in space and its history. Contains master directory of more than 70 related text files.

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