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whatUseek Directory Site Listings: : Observatory Links - A listing of observatories around the world.
Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy (AURA)
Astronomy National Public Observatory - Scheduled to begin operations in 2007, the ANPO is a non-profit corporation with a mission of promoting the science of astronomy by providing educational resources, and an accessible, affordable public observatory and campground.
Cederberg Observatory - Private observatory with an education programme run by 6 amateur astronomers in the Cederberg mountains near Cape Town, South Africa.
ESO - European Southern Observatory - ESO is an intergovernmental, European organisation for astronomical research, operates astronomical observatories in Chile and has its headquarters in Garching, near Munich, Germany.
Escondido National Astrogeophysical Observatory - The ENAO provides astronomical, geophysical, weather and radiation information on-line. Astronomical photographs, shot with a 12 inch telescope, are on the site. The ENAO also maintains a radar and lidar retroreflector array for remote sensing ground truth observations. It is located near 117 west 33 north.
Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics - The scientific institute within the National Research Council of Canada which has the mandate from Parliament to operate and administer any astronomical observatories established or maintained by the Government of Canada. Site text available in English and French.
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias - An internationalized research center, comprising the Instituto de Astrofísica, which forms the headquarters, in La Laguna (Tenerife); the Observatorio del Teide, in Izaña (Tenerife); and the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, in Garafía (La Palma).
Joint Astronomy Centre (JAC1, Hawaii) - The United Kingdom Infrared Telescope and the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope.
Klet Observatory - Find a complete set of information about the research program at the observatory.
NOAO - National Optical Astronomy Observatories - NOAO is a national center for optical astronomy in the United States, operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy.
NRAO - National Radio Astronomy Observatory - NRAO is the national center for astronomical research at radio wavelengths in the United States. Operated by AURA.
SkyView - The Internet Virtual Telescope generating images of any part of the sky at wavelengths in all regimes from Radio to Gamma-Ray.
Villafranca Satellite Tracking Station - The ESA WWW Server at Villafranca provides information on the Station and on the projects supported at Villafranca.
Worcester Park Observatory - Maurice Gavin's private observatory with 30cm Meade LX200 and various spectroscopes incl SBIG spectrometer.
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