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whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
1689: The English Bill of Rights
- Full text of the seminal bill that transferred tax-raising powers from the monarch to parliament.
A Personal Railway History
- Account by Fred Gibbs, a Birmingham man who worked on the railway between the years 1918 and 1967.
- Living history group recreates life in Anglo-Saxon England between the years 400-900AD; historical and contact information.
Bracton: De Legibus Et Consuetudinibus Angliæ
- The Laws and Customs of England, written by a 13th century English judge. In the original latin with simultaneous translation into modern English.
Coalmining research services
- Coalmining history resource. Picture and film library, reference archive and library.
Early English Scribal Culture
- The Germanic Runes represent an early form of "writing" in English.
English Culture
- Discover the fads, foibles, history and eccentricities of England and the English.
English History Notes
- Snippets of information on life in medieval and Tudor England, from alcohol to windmills.
International Society of Anglo-Saxonists
- The International Society of Anglo-Saxonists was founded in 1983 to further all aspects of Anglo-Saxon Studies.
King Henry VIII History Department
- A schools history department Website with information on Tudor England, and working conditions during the Industrial Revolution.
Macaulay's History of England, volume 1
- First published in 1849, covers the English Civil Wars through to the Monmouth Rebellion.
- The online newsletter of Anglo-Saxon studies at the University of Georgia
Old Father Thames
- Historical incident, personalities and associations of the river Thames related to specified points along its course and on its banks
Seventeenth Century England.
- Wills, Muster Lists and Parish Register together with more general information including coinage, wages, prices and artillery.
Sutton Hoo, Suffolk
- Online tour of the famed Anglo Saxon Royal cemetery, courtesy of The Sutton Hoo Society: interactive map brings up information of features of the site. Visitor information.
The English Merlin
- The world of William Lilly and the 17th century astrologers
Times of Change in the History of England
- A brief history of the periods of transition in England, including the Norman Conquest, the Plague, and the Reformation.
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