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Starz - Breakout variant for Windows in which you don't lose a life when the ball misses the paddle, but rather your score goes down.
Submarine Mission - Pilot a submarine. (DOS)
Super Fighter - Classic, 1993 fighter for DOS, NES, or Gameboy with information, ending sequences, and soundtrack.
Supreme - One to two player action/strategy space combat game for Windows.
T.A.N.K.S - Multiplayer network game for Java in which each player drives a tank around in a playing field, trying to blow enemy tanks sky high by either shooting at them or ramming them.
Tanktime 3D - Multiplayer 3D tank shooter for Windows.
The Lost Patrol's Commando Enhanced - Tactical fighting for Windows.
Trooper - A DOS game based on the classic 'Paratrooper'.
Trophy - A 2D car race for Linux. (Open Source, GPL)
Tunnel - You control a ball going down a tunnel on Linux, trying to avoid other balls in the way. (Open Source)
Tunnel Fighter - 3D space shooter for Linux in which you free the hyperspace tunnels of an alien menace. (Open Source, GPL)
Tux Racer - Lets you take on the role of Tux the Linux Penguin as he races down steep, snow-covered mountains. (Linux, Windows, or Macintosh)
UBoat - An adventure game for Windows in which you command a submarine during World War I.
UFO 2000 - A multiplayer remake of X-COM: UFO Defense for Windows. (Open Source)
Watkins - In this platform adventure for Windows, play a penguin, make your way through thirty five levels in four worlds, defeat evil bosses, and reclaim the South Pole.
Webwar - A Tempest style, wireframe 3D shooter for Windows.
Wilkanoid - An Arkanoid / Breakout remake for Windows.
WinSnake - Nibbles variant for Windows with original graphics and pictures.
XBattleAI - Linux game in which you fight on a graph (map) where certain nodes continously produce energy (troops) and you fight by drawing arrows along the edges where troop movements should occur. (Open Source)
XBill - Open source (GPL) whack-a-mole for Windows in which you must stop Bill from infecting the computers on your network.

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