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Maelstrom - You pilot your ship through the dreaded "Maelstrom" asteroid belt, the deadliest stretch of space. Available on Linux, Windows, BeOS, or Mac. (Open Source)
Matanza - Multiplayer ASCII graphics space shooter for Windows or Linux. (Open Source)
Metroid Classic - A DirectX clone of the popular NES Metroid with editor.
Missile Command - A Linux port of the save-your-city-from-impending-nuclear-doom game.
Mouse Tank - Two player game for Windows in which you take moving and shooting tanks.
Mr. Boom - An IPX network compatible Bomberman/Dynablaster clone for DOS. Allows up to 8 players and features pushing bombs, remote controls, and rabbit riding. (Open Source)
Nasty Armoured Tanks of War - A 3D (openGL) tank game for Linux based loosly on Scorched Earth. (Open Source, GPL)
NetPONG - Two player network pong for Linux. (Open Source)
New Breed Software - X-Bomber - A multiplayer bombing blast for X-Window based on Super Bomberman for the SuperNES.
NiL - NiL Isn't Liero - Kill other worms on Linux with a wide selection of interesting weapons. (Open Source, GPL)
Nonsense Trilogy - Platform gameplay for Windows featuring levels with several different styles: shooters, breakout, or tennis.
Open Quartz - A 3D shooter based on the quake engine. (Open Source, GPL)
Overkill - Bloody 2D-action deathmatch game in ASCII art for Linux, OS/2 or Windows.
Penguin Command - A Missle Command style shooter for Windows, Linux, or BeOS.
PhotoInvaders - Space Invaders remake for Windows with customizable graphics and sound.
Ploing - A 3D version of 'Pong' for Windows that almost resembles pinball.
PrBoom - An improved version of the Doom 3D shooter for Linux or Windows.
Rabid Rabbit - For Linux, play a rabbit which tries to rescue lost sheep from marauding creatures.
Race - A 2d arcade overhead car racer for Windows or linux with computer opponents, music, sound effects, and a track editor.
Rasteroids - A portable Asteroids clone for DOS or linux. (Open Source, GPL)

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