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4-H Sheep Production Manual - On-line (PDF) version.
A Post Lambing Interview - By the time you read this lambing season should be over. While everything is fresh in your mind take a few minutes to reflect on what happened, how it happened, and why it happened as it did.
ASI Handbook - A complete, practical collection of information from the nation's top sheep experts. One of the best single sources of information about sheep. Excerpts and ordering information.
Abortion in Sheep - Advice from the Veterinary Investigation Centre, Langford.
Abortions in Sheep - Answers the questions: "What should I do?" and "How should I approach the problem?"
Assisting the Ewe at Lambing - This Factsheet is one of a set: "Assisting the Ewe at Lambing" and "Care of the Newborn Lamb", concerning lamb survival. They should be read together. Includes: signs of impending lambing, physiology of lambing, signs of abnormal deliveries, making the internal examination, and aftercare.
Avoiding Lambing Season Problems - Contains descriptions and advice on management of sheep during lambing, including necessary equipment, diseases, and feeding. For sheep producers.
Body Condition Scoring for Profit - Are my breeding animals too fat or thin for breeding? Have ewes maintained proper body condition during the wintering period? The use of both body weight and condition scores can help producers make important feed management decisions.
Body Condition Scoring of Sheep - Describes method of determining the condition of a sheep (too fat, too thin, just right) which is convenient, and is much more accurate than a simple eye appraisal. Includes pictures.
Body Condition Scoring of Sheep - Describes method of determining the condition of a sheep (too fat, too thin, just right) which is convenient, and is much more accurate than a simple eye appraisal. Includes pictures.
Breeding Replacement Ewe Lambs - Many producers are breeding ewe lambs instead of holding them over to breed as yearlings. A major reason for this (in both commercial and purebred flocks) is simply economics.
Care of Ewes and Lambs at Lambing Time - Supplies and equipment list. General information regarding care of ewe and lamb during gestation, birth and after delivery.
Care of Sheep and Lambs - The following are thoughts to help the new producer with the care of their lamb.
Care of the Newborn Lamb - The profitability of a sheep enterprise depends on the number of lambs sold either for meat or as breeding stock. This Factsheet is one of a set: "Assisting the Ewe at Lambing" and "Care of the Newborn Lamb", concerning lamb survival. They should be read together.
Condition Scoring of Sheep - Describes method of classifying ewes into groups according to fullness of muscling and amount of fat cover and how to adjust feed regimine according to the condition score and stage of the production cycle.
Creep Environment Very Important for Lambs - Creep feeding is a means of providing supplemental feed for the lambs during the nursing period in an area separated from the ewes.
Dealing with Difficult Births at Lambing - Common lambing problems and hints in dealing with them are discussed.
Desert Weyr Farm - Farmer's notebook is an interesting collection of anecdotes and activities involved in caring for the three species of livestock, horses, sheep and cattle at this small farm.
Early vs Late Lambing - Which is best? - The purpose of this article is to examine the pros and cons of early and late lambing systems and how they can fit individual producer's goals and operations. Neglected in this discussion is fall lambing, which is not an attempt to minimize this as a viable management system.
Ensure a Healthy Lamb Crop - Proper care of the ewe in mid to late pregnancy and care of the lamb in the first few hours are the essential components of ensuring a healthy lamb crop. Vaccination and supplementation of the ewe are also efficient ways of ensuring the health of the lamb.

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