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1997 Certified Facilities - National Forage Testing Association list of labs certified for forage testing.
Case's Agworld - Grazing groups, hay for sale, pasture for lease. Extensive list of forage and rotational grazing links.
Clover Disease in Sheep - Subterranean clover has made a great contribution to pasture improvement in Victoria. However, certain cultivars such as Yarloop, Dwalganup and Dinninup contain high levels of an oestrogen-like substance called formononetin which can cause severe infertility in ewes.
Dealing With High Hay Prices - High hay prices are a major consideration for sheep producers. Unless one can find hay that is reasonable in price, the only option in reducing hay cost is to feed less hay. Strategies to achieve this goal will be discussed.
Determining Pasture Rental Rates - Describes method of leasing out or renting pasture based on animal unit months (AUMs).
Extending the Grazing Season - Feed costs represent the major cost in most livestock production systems. Providing grazable forage, in a cost-effective manner to the animal, for as many days of the year as possible should be the goal of the grazing manager.
Forage and Rotational Grazing Links - Extensive list of publications for those establishing and/or managing pasture or forage.
Grazing Management: Principles and Techniques - One of the critical decisions facing livestock producers in Illinois is how to best utilize the forage resources on their farm.
Hay List Network - This site, developed with the cooperation of the Michigan Hay and Grazing Council, Michigan Farm Bureau and Michigan State University Extension, enables online hay buying and selling.
Haying FAQ - Frequently asked questions (and answers) on growing harvesting, and storing hay, for small farms.
How to Subscribe to Graze-L - List for the discussion of Intensive Rotational Grazing and Seasonal Dairying.
Improving Pastures by Renovation - One of the best ways to improve both forage yields and animal performance on low-producing grass pastures is to periodically renovate them.
Indiana Toxic Plants - This website contains plants within Indiana that are deemed poisonous to livestock and pets by the collaborators at Purdue University.
Pasture FAQ - Frequently asked questions (and answers) on establishing, maintaining, and utilizing livestock pastures.
Pasture Management - Land management consultant working out of Absarokee, Mont. provides information about regenerating and fencing your land.
Plants Poisonous to Livestock - This bulletin identifies many of the plants poisonous to livestock in Minnesota. It describes their appearance, where they grow, the parts of the plant that are poisonous, when they are most poisonous, poisoning symptoms, and names of the toxic compounds present in the plant. Knowing how to correctly identify poisonous plants will help prevent potential problems and perhaps death of an animal. For livestock owners.
Publications by ISU Faculty - Dr. Morrical's area of research is sheep nutrition, forages and fetal and baby lamb survival.
Purdue University's Forage Information Web Site - This is a nice site that contains information on forages for the Midwestern U.S. It contains a section on forage plant identification, complete with photos. es of common forage species.
Selecting Species and Varieties for Pasture - Illinois has the climate and soil that allows the use of most forage species presently available for humid, temperature regions of the United States. The landscape is dominated by cool season grasses and legumes and their mixtures. The major grasses would be tall fescue, orchardgrass, bromegrass and timothy. Major pasture legumes would include red and white clover, annual lespedeza, alfalfa and birdsfoot trefoil.
Stretching Hay Supplies - Producers can stretch their hay supply, and not ignificantly lower production, by utilizing some proven management techniques.

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