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Forage and Feed Analysis - "How to" instructions from deciding which feed to sample, how to collect the sample and which tests to order.
Formulating Rations With the Pearson's Square (PDF) - The Pearson square or box method of balancing rations is a simple procedure that has been used for many years. It is of greatest value when only two ingredients are to be mixed.
Grain for Sheep - Short discussion regarding the risks of copper toxicity encountered when using grain rations not prepared specifically for sheep.
Heat Damaged Corn - The objective of this experiment was to examine the effect of heat damaged corn on the performance of finishing lambs.
Introducing Grain to Sheep - The commencement and stopping of feeding, the level of supplementation and the introduction strategy are all important components of drought management. This note was prepared specifically for the difficult seasonal conditions experienced during 1997 by farmers in south and west Gippsland, however, some of the content may be relevant to other places and seasonal conditions.
Ionophores and Feed Additives - This article and presentation does not attempt to quantify absolutely the current additive list available for sheep. Rather, it generally describes type and overall impact for the sheep producer
Lamb Feedlot Nutrition (PDF) - Meeting protein, energy, vitamin and mineral requirements is essential for profitable lamb finishing. This publication will help you start your lambs on feed and to develop an effective feeding plan.
Livestock Nutrition Services - Offer custom formulation of livestock rations for top dairy, beef and sheep production.
Lupin Grain as Sheep Feed - Lupin grain, although of similar energy content as wheat grain, has a number of advantages over the cereal grains commonly used as feed for sheep.
Mineral Nutrition in Sheep - Solid information to help shepherds prepare properly balanced diets for maximum returns.
Nutrition of the Ewe Flock - Steps to prevent "empty gut disease" caused by the inadequate supply of nutrients.
Nutritional Effects on Sheep Health - Prevention and treatment of diseases commonly associated with nutritional imbalances.
Oklahoma Feed Commodity Bulletin - Prices updated weekly.
Protein in Sheep and Lamb Diets - Tips to manage protein feeding effectively.
Ration Analysis Software Programs - "Ewe Ration Analysis" evaluates how well a ration meets ewe's nutritional requirements based on various ration/environmental factors. "Feeder Lamb Ration Analysis" calculates average analysis for combination of 6 feeds. Allows comparison of costs for different rations. Macintosh or Windows spreadsheet templates. Need Excel 5.0 or Lotus 5.0
Raw Soybeans in the Diets of Sheep - Results and implications of two experiments designed and conducted to: 1) compare raw soybeans with soybean meal as the protein source for feedlot lambs and 2) evaluate raw soybeans. as a protein source for lactating ewes.
Rearing of Lambs on Milk Replacer Diets - Options and equipment necessary for feeding orphan lambs.
Salt & Trace Minerals in Animal Nutrition and Agriculture - Information about salt supplementation as part of a nutritionally balanced diet for animals and as a delivery mechanism to ensure adequate intake of less palatable nutrients from the Salt Institute.
Shippy Sheep Lots - A 5,000 head capacity clean sandy-soil feedlots where individuals retain ownership of their lambs while they are fed, fattened, or grown. Located in Colome, South Dakota.
Strategies for Feeding the Ewe Flock - Topics include: aspects to consider and problems likely to be encountered, useful feed consumption data, characteristics of feedstuffs, pastures, mineral deficiencies and toxicities, and feeding the ewe.

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