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Agricultural and Biological Engineering (ABEN) - Focus on protecting or remediating the world's natural resources, develop engineering systems that monitor, replace, or intervene in the function and operation of living organisms and ensure an adequate and safe food supply.
Agricultural, Resource, and Managerial Economics (ARME) - A Cornell University business-oriented department, offering courses in agricultural economics, environmental and resource economics, development economics, management, law, and accounting.
Animal Science - Researches the biology and management of domestic animals.
Biometrics - A department of seven full-time faculty with expertise in the mathematical sciences applied to biology, including statistics, probability, biomathematics, and computing.
Communication - Engages in the fundamental study and application of communication science.
Crop and Soil Sciences (CSS) - Provides pragmatic solutions to agricultural and environmental problems, produce an educated populace, and advance the understanding of basic natural processes.
Earth and Atmospheric Science (EAS) - Emphasizes the scientific study of the behavior of weather and climate, and applications to the important practical problems of weather forecasting and climate prediction.
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
Education - Fosters understanding about the development and utilization of human capabilities, especially as it applies to agricultural, biological, environmental, and rural community issues.
Entomology - Protecting horticultural crops from attack by insects and mites by studying the biology and ecology of crop pests and improving pesticide management procedures.
Food Science - Educate students for careers in the food industry, academia, and government, conduct research that will enhance the wholesomeness and availability of food, transfer information & technology to consumers and food scientists.
Horticulture - The Department serves New York State and society at large by generating and extending knowledge about fruits, vegetables and landscape plants that enhances economic vitality and improves the aesthetic and nutritional well-being of individuals and their communities.
Landscape Architecture - The only landscape architecture program in the Ivy League, the department views the art as an expression of cultural values reinforced by many related disciplines.
Microbiology - Develops and transfers basic new technologies and applications in bioprocess engineering, cellular recognition, gene control and expression, and plant and animal molecular biology.
Natural Resources - Improves society's stewardship of renewable natural resources and their related environments for enduring human use.
New York State College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) - "Aggies" fulfill the mission of the land grant university to improve the nation's food supply and maintain its safety, to enhance the environment, and to help people improve their lives.
Nutritional Sciences, Division of (DNS) - The largest academic unit in the United States devoted to human nutrition. It is also one of the most diversified, with expertise in molecular and human nutrition, nutrition education, nutritional qualities of food, international nutrition, and food and nutrition policy.
Plant Biology - Represents both basic and applied research areas ranging from biophysics and molecular biology through physiology, plant systematics and ecology.
Plant Breeding - Achieves genetic improvement of crop plants for the benefit of society, encompassing a broad range of activities, from molecular studies of crop plant genomes to field evaluations in multiple locations.
Plant Pathology - Concentrations within the field are Plant Pathology, Mycology, Molecular Plant Pathology, Plant Disease Epidemiology, and Ecological and Environmental Plant Pathology.

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