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Rhode Island Herpetological Association - Educateing the public in conservation, propagation, and captive care of reptiles and amphibians.
Rhode Island Herpetological Association - Educateing the public in conservation, propagation, and captive care of reptiles and amphibians.
SDNHM Teacher's Guide to REPTILES! - Educational material made possible by the San Diego Natural History Museum.
San Diego Herpetological Society - Devoted to the study, appreciation, conservation and husbandry of reptiles and amphibians.
San Diego Turtle and Tortoise Society - Individuals sharing a common interest in chelonians and dedicated to the preservation of existing wild populations and better understanding of care animals in captivity.
Sawgrass Herpetological Society - South Florida's oldest reptile society. Offers care sheets and education.
Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles - SSAR is the largest international herpetological society, and is recognized worldwide for having the most diverse program of publications, meetings, and other activities of interest to herpetologists in zoos, museums, universities and the general public.
South Coast Herpetological Society (NSW) - An Australian society of reptile keepers and breeders made up of a wide cross-section of ages and family groups.
South Texas Herpetological Society - Promotes education, dissemination of scientific information, and conservation. Involved in the rescue of reptiles and amphibians. Information about meetings and membership.
Southeastern Hot Herp Society - Group of venomous reptile keepers educating the public about venomous snakes and lizards
Southern New England Herpetological Society - The oldest existing non-profit organization in the state of Connecticut for people interested in amphibians and reptiles.
Southwest Missouri Herpetological Society - The home page of the Southwest Missouri Herpetological Society!
Southwestern Herpetologists Society - Los Angeles and Bakersfield members. Sponsors an Ask the Vet feature where common veterinary questions can be e-mailed to individuals.
St. Louis Herpetological Society - Founded in 1974; currently has over 200 members.
Staten Island Herpetological Society - Promotes and educates reptiles and amphibians to the public as well as to its fellow memebers in the Staten Island area.
Surrey Herpetological Society - Surrey Herpetological Society in the UK
Swiss Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Programme (KARCH) - The official task force to promote, implement and coordinate efforts to conserve the native amphibian and reptile fauna, which is protected by law since 1967. Also in French and German
TERRA, The Belgian Herpetological Association - Information about the organization, herpetology, reptiles, amphibians.
Texas Herp Society - Encourages study and conservation of reptiles and amphibians in Texas and the Southwest
The Tucson Herpetological Society - A non-profit organization dedicated to conservation, education and research concerning the Amphibians and Reptiles of Arizona and Mexico.

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