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whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
Animal People: When Noah has to Sail or Sink - An editorial about the pressure put on animal sanctuaries by exotic pet fads.
Animal Protection Institute: Exotic "Pet" Campaign - Fact sheets, position papers, laws in various locales, and suggestions for advocacy.
Animal Underworld: Inside America's Black Market for Rare and Exotic Species - A book exposing how exotic animals from zoos and safari parks end up being hunted and sold as exotic pets. Excerpts from the book, an interview with the author, reviews, and book ordering.
Asia Times: Japan's Illegal Immigrants, of the Furred Variety - An article about the growing market for exotic pets in Japan and enactment of stricter laws on animal ownership and the pet industry. The Exotic Pet Trade - The Austin Zoo's advice about exotic pets and the common problems pet owners have with them.
BC SPCA: How Much is That Froggy in the Window? - An article by Craig Naherniak about exotic/wild animals as pets.
Environmental Health Journal: Wild Thing - An article by Nick Warburton about the growing popularity of exotic pets in Britain and the increased number of those that are abandoned and found neglected in pet shops.
Maryland Department of Natural Resources: Pet Store Sweep - Twenty-four pet stores charged with selling or offering native and/or endangered reptiles and amphibians for sale.
PAWS: Exotic Pets - The Progressive Animal Welfare Society's opposition to the private ownership of exotic and wild animals. Photographs and links.
PIJAC Canada: Dealing with Other Animals as Pets - Excerpts from the exotic animal policy of the Canadian Federation of Humane Societies, including a suggested list of prohibited species.
Parrot Association of Canada - National organisation of owners, breeders, and hobbyists dedicated to promoting high standards of care in keeping of parrots and professionalism in psittacine aviculture. Be sure to check out the "Poobar" parrot.
PetStation: PetNot - A list of animals PetStation does not endorse as being kept as pets.
Primate Info Net: Just Say No to Exotic Pets - An article by Kathi Diamant about the exotic pet trade and the use of zoos as rescues.
Realistic Exotic Animal Laws - REAL is a mailing list for the discussion of laws, regulations, and other issues related to the keeping of exotic animals.
The Reptile House: Dangers of Exotic Pets - An article about the increase in animals smuggled illegally into Britain.
VetCentric: Black Market Pets Bring Profits, Spread Disease - An article by Jorie Green about illegally obtained exotic reptiles and birds.
VetCentric: Lure of Exotic Pets Overshadows Exotic Care - An article by Lesli Wyant, DVM, about the challenging nutritional, habitat, and medical needs of exotic pets, the safety risks, and how frequently they're abandoned.
VetCentric: Misleading Breeding Practices Lead to Abandonment of Trendy Pot-bellied Pigs - An article by Jorie Green about the decreasing popularity of pet pigs and how breeders have mislead pet buyers.
VetCentric: Precious Cargo - An article by Erin Harty about the illegal smuggling of endangered parrots.
VetCentric: The Monkey Business: Barrel of Monkeys But Not of Laughs - An article by Wes Alwan about how the pet trade in non-human primates is flourishing but the primates are not.

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