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Research Networks Branch Out - The NSF has awarded the University of Tennessee and Indiana University US$14 million to extend the reach of next-generation Internet networks to Russia and the Pacific Rim. By Michael Stutz. [Wired News]
Rethinking the Future of Chips - A government-industry initiative plans to make sure technology doesn't stand in the way of chip advancement by funding long-view university research to the tune of US$60 million a year. By Chris Oakes. [Wired News]
Reverse-Engineering the Psyche - Evolutionary psychologist Steven Pinker on how the mind really works. [Wired News]
Ringing a Warning Bell - When John Higdon found out that someone could fake their way into his cellular voicemail, he tried to tip off his service provider. But it wasn't easy to get his urgent message through to Pac Bell. By Chris Oakes. [Wired News]
Robots Set to Invade Operating Rooms - Robotic helpers in the operating theater are closer to reality, thanks to recent FDA approval. [Wired News]
Rock 'n' Roll Radar - Lockheed is evaluating a bargain-basement radar system that uses a couple of PCs, some cell phone bits -- and a Seattle-based FM rock station. Joseph Rose reports from Ellensburg, Washington. [Wired News]
Router Breakthrough Takes Net Traffic to Task - Researchers at Washington University in St. Louis have developed a new technique for accelerating the way routers process packets over the Internet. [Wired News]
SAFEeps from Spam at Last? - A new service aims to please both email activists and the hit-and-run spammers who fear them. Its solution: one great big list of everyone who hates to get spam. By Chris Oakes. [Wired News]
SF Blackout: Y2K Dress Rehearsal - The power went out in San Francisco on Tuesday. It was just another outage. Or is there such a thing these days? By Chris Oakes and Craig Bicknell. [Wired News]
SMIL Declared a Standard - The World Wide Web Consortium signs off on Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language, a scheme that allows for Web multimedia that is at once easily developed and easy on the pipes. By James Glave. [Wired News]
Samsung May Enter MP3 Fight - In a move that will likely draw fire from the music-recording industry, Samsung Electronics will market a portable MP3 player in the United States. By Chris Oakes. [Wired News]
Santa by Satellite - Using sophisticated radar and satellite tracking systems, a military agency prepares to follow St. Nick's annual excursion. By Nora Isaacs. [Wired News]
Satellite Boost for Latin America - A deal between Charter Communications International and the Mexican division of Comsat promises to put Latin American countries in a better position on the global communications map. By Kristen Philipkoski. [Wired News]
Satellite Failure: No Biggie - Iridium loses another two satellites and Wall Street makes it pay. That's sheer ignorance, says one expert: When you're flying 70 satellites, failures like this are part of the business plan. By Chris Oakes. [Wired News]
Satellites Weather Leonid Storm - Satellite experts said that Leonid meteor shower might spell trouble in space, but the worst of the storm is over, and so far, all systems are still go. By Niall McKay. [Wired News]
Saving Face With Person Spotter - The developers of an advanced face-recognition technology say their system can pick human faces out of a crowd on a video image, then analyze their gestures and expressions. [Wired News]
School Dazed by Net Attack - A technology high school in Nevada found out last week that being connected to the Internet is a mixed bag: Students have unprecedented access to resources, but computers are exposed to a variety of Net hazards. By Michael Stutz. [Wired News]
Science Versus Cell Phones - The Iridium satellite-phone service may represent a new generation for communications networks, but it means static and noise to radio astronomers. How will they share the electromagnetic spectrum? By Kristi Coale. [Wired News]
Scoping Out the Galaxies - A robotic telescope will give Web users a glimpse into deep space when the site launches this month. By Christopher Jones. [Wired News]
Security Bugaboo in MS Outlook? - If you're using Microsoft's Outlook 98 program to send email, security experts caution that a flaw in the design of the encryption features means unencrypted email may pose as encrypted. [Wired News]

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