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Opera Thumbs Nose at Big Browsers - A tiny Norwegian developer is sending a message to Netscape and Microsoft with its small, speedy, customizable browser that has generated a significant following. [Wired News]
Opera's 'Magic' Looking Black - The tiny Norwegian developer of the Opera Web browser lags in its efforts to get volunteers to write non-Windows versions of its software. By Chris Oakes. [Wired News]
Oracle to 'Piss Off' MS Again - Oracle's Ellison will outline his company's plan to sell a database that doesn't need an operating system -- Windows, natch. But skeptics abound. By R. Scott Raynovich. [Wired News]
Overcoming Yuk - It may be unnatural, but encouraging genetic choice in humans is not bad. (It's also inevitable.) [Wired News]
PC Meter Meets Its Maker - Renting software is the next thing, says Wave Systems as it signs a licensing deal to get its metering technology built into PC chips. But some observers say consumers don't want to catch this wave. By Chris Oakes. [Wired News]
PGP's 6.0: Cat Out of the Bag - Strong crypto software PGPfreeware 6.0 has already found its way to at least one server in Europe, defying US crypto controls yet again. And the company hadn't even announced the software's release. By Chris Oakes. [Wired News]
Pac Bell Fined for Data Holdout - In return for a 1997 increase of ISDN service rates, Pacific Bell was supposed to cough up customer-satisfaction data. It didn't, says the California PUC, and now it will have to pay. By Chris Oakes. [Wired News]
Padlocking Windows 95 - A new security program takes Windows passwords and locks them in an encrypted database, protecting systems from prying eyes. By Niall McKay. [Wired News]
Paging Network Hijacked - National paging service PageMart was apparently hacked, sending a blitz of strange messages to thousands of pager screens. By Chris Oakes. [Wired News]
PalmPilot Security Beefed Up - Hit Amazon on your Palm? Users of the world's most popular handheld organizer will soon enjoy the security equal to that of other Web surfers. By James Glave. [Wired News]
PalmPilot VII: A Whole New Life? - Palm Computing shows off the next generation of its digital organizer while forecasting a new era in mobile computing. Polly Sprenger reports from Silicon Valley. [Wired News]
Patent May Threaten E-Privacy - A Seattle company says that pending patents will require anyone using Web privacy technology P3P to pay the company royalties. That could have wider repercussions. By Chris Oakes. [Wired News]
Patents: Help or Hindrance? - The very patent laws designed to spark innovation could thwart discoveries in the biotechnology field. Two Michigan law professors want to get researchers to think about this prospect in the race to patent genes. [Wired News]
Paying Bills Online: The Buck Stops Where? - 'Round and 'round the cyber-payment goes. Where it stops your bank only knows - at least until the experiment of electronic money gets out of beta. [Wired News]
Pentagon 'Hacker' Speaks Out - One of the two teenagers accused by the FBI last week of hacking into non-classified files says that he has accessed hundreds of government servers and hints at more surprises to come. [Wired News]
Pentagon Buys 'Perpetual Motion' - A California company claims to have developed a conductor for perpetual energy. Call it science fiction, but the Defense Department's investment could reach US$1 million this year. By Steve Brody and Andrew Kirkis. [Wired News]
Pentagon Hacker Exposed by Justice Department - The Justice Department today revealed the name of the Israeli cracker arrested today for allegedly breaking into 400 government servers - and sent a strong threat to those who might follow him. [Wired News]
Perl Opens Arms to XML - By upgrading Perl to be more XML-compatible, millions of pages of existing Web content could be enhanced with the eXtensible Markup Language (XML), almost overnight. Such is the goal of Perl programmers in updating the behind-the-scenes language that powers a multitude of sites on the Web. [Wired News]
Physician's Desktop Reference - A long-overdue software solution developed in Boston helps hospitals help the sick. [Wired News]
Pilots Commandeer Car Locks - Have an infrared-equipped PalmPilot and a car with a remote-control locking system? You may be able to use the former to unlock the latter. By Chris Oakes. [Wired News]

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