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U.K. Navy computers said unchecked for bug - Almost 90 percent of the British Navy's vital computer systems, including those that control its nuclear missiles, are still not protected against the millennium bug, according to a leaked defense ministry review. []
U.K. orders reduction in cell phone charges - The British government ordered three leading phone companies to lower the price of calls to mobile phones, after concluding they are "too high" in relation to costs and "against the public interest." []
U.K. retailer vies to become a Net stock - Britain's electronics retailer Dixons Group, whose storefonts are a familiar site at nearly every British shopping row, doesn't look like a stellar Internet stock. []
U.N. panel talks Y2K - A United Nations' task force today is engaged in closed-door discussions on the global implications of the Year 2000 computer glitch, and is discussing how to handle international failure scenarios. []
U.S. calls for wireless competition - U.S. officials called on the European Commission to allow U.S. third-generation wireless technology the chance to compete in the European market. []
U.S. eases export limits on encryption - The U.S. Commerce Department has issued its expected rules relaxing U.S. export limits on encryption, the data scrambling technology considered vital for secure electronic commerce and digital communication. []
U.S., Canada backbones to be connected - Research and educational high-speed networks took a crucial step toward internationalization today with an agreement to link dedicated networks in the United States and Canada. []
US West touts $3 billion investment plans - US West said today it would invest more than $3 billion to upgrade its telephone network and roll out new high-speed Internet and wireless telephone service in 1999. []
USWeb founder on quest for ET truth - Joseph Firmage, the young founder of USWeb, is thinking a little farther outside the box than are most Silicon Valley executives. []
USWeb, CKS complete merger deal - Internet consulting companies USWeb and CKS sealed their marriage agreement today, with shareholders approving the $540 million merger. []
Umax hit with injunction - Umax Technologies, one of the top makers of scanners and digital imaging products, has been hit with a preliminary injunction, forcing the company to re-label its scanners and change its advertising practices. []
Unisys in service pact with Gateway - Unisys has inked a deal with Gateway to provide on-site service for Gateway's corporate customers. []
United Nations hosts Y2K forum - The Clinton administration's point man on the Year 2000 technology problem joined ambassadors of the United Nations here today to kick off a global forum on the millennium glitch. []
Unix trounces Windows NT in testing - Windows takes a shellacking when stacked up against Unix, according to a newly released study. []
Vendors stand behind telephony standard - A group of networking and software vendors today announced new support for an effort to provide standard-based interoperability among telephony platforms. []
Venezuela telco sees strong growth - Venezuela's leading cellular phone company Telcel, a unit of U.S. local telephone company BellSouth, will end a flourishing 1998 with 1.3 million clients, its president of operations said. []
Victoria's Secret site up and running - Victoria's Secret tonight made its much-anticipated, blushing debut. []
Virginia Net policies taking center stage - Lawmakers in the "Silicon Dominion" are trying to attract high-tech companies through a seven-point package addressing online child porn, consumer privacy, fraud, and spam. Meanwhile, prominent policy questions take center stage and legislators are turning up in vital federal roles, as Virginia seeks to usurp California's position as the country's leading jurisdiction for Net policy. []
Virginia library moves against Net filters - Virginia's Loudoun County Library is putting into place new Net usage rules following a landmark federal ruling that deemed its policy to filter online access for all patrons a violation of the First Amendment. []
Virginia proposes Net policy act - No wonder Steve Case hangs his hat in Virginia. []

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