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Sun cuts motherboard prices - Sun Microsystems today said it cut prices up to 22 percent on SPARCEngine circuit boards. []
Sun exec says Microsoft undermined Java - Microsoft has undermined the cross-platform promise of Sun Microsystems' Java by "flooding the market" with an implementation of the programming language that contains proprietary extensions which are incompatible with rival versions, a senior executive from Sun has testified. []
Sun guarded about Netscape software - Sun Microsystems isn't saying much about its plans for the Netscape enterprise software that Sun will gain rights to when America Online closes its purchase of Netscape next spring. []
Sun moves to relax Java grip - Sun Microsystems, faced with criticism from the computer industry, moved to relax its tight grip on the Java language in an announcement at Java Business Expo today. []
Sun names Bill Joy as chief scientist - Sun Microsystems on Friday named Bill Joy, a cofounder of the network computing company and well-respected industry innovator, as its chief scientist. []
Sun promoting Linux for UltraSparc chips - Sun Microsystems is helping the Linux community port its Unix-like operating system to Sun's UltraSparc platform, the company announced today. []
Sun shines light on Y2K bug - Sun Microsystems today released a Year 2000 compliance tool to help its customers assess the readiness of their computer systems. []
Sun shows off Jini - Sun Microsystems executives have begun publicly showing off Jini, a technology they hope will let anybody plug anything into the Internet. []
Sun takes jovial jabs at "AOLscape" deal - It's well known that laughter is the best medicine. []
Sun trumpets next version of Java - With great fanfare Sun Microsystems today trumpeted the arrival of the next version of its Java technology on the first day of its three-day Java Business Expo. []
Sun, Alcatel building Internet phone - Sun Microsystems and French telecommunications giant Alcatel are working together to develop a consumer electronics device with lots of space-age style: Internet screen phones. []
Sun, Java group mending fences - Sun Microsystems and a disgruntled industry group may be mending their fences, a step that could lead to the software's incorporation into industrial equipment. []
Supercomputer squabble heats up - The U.S. International Trade Commission will take another look at an anti-dumping verdict against NEC and other Japanese supercomputer companies that has effectively shut them out of the U.S. market. []
Swiss aim to fight Net hate speech - Switzerland is offering to organize an international conference on how to stop racists from using the Internet to spread their views. []
SyQuest comes back to life, barely - Struggling storage manufacturer SyQuest has reopened its Web site and is answering customer complaints, but recovery is still a long way off. []
Sybase forms new divisions - Sybase is continuing to reshuffle its deck chairs. []
Sybase, Pinpoint crunch the numbers - Sybase and insurance and financial software company Pinpoint Solutions say they have developed a number-crunching database intended to help the insurance industry maximize profit. []
TCI, Time Warner trade more cable systems - TCI Communications, the cable television systems arm of Tele-Communications Incorporated, and Time Warner signed a definitive agreement to trade certain cable systems. []
TCP/IP "hole" leads to alert - A "hole" in the underlying language of the Internet could allow hackers to cause an array of disruptions to targeted Web sites and Internet systems, according to a computer security watchdog. []
TEN lines up eight distribution deals - Total Entertainment Network has cut distribution and revenue-sharing deals with some of the most popular sites on the Net, the online gaming company will announce today. []

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