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Banks join to fight Y2K bug - A group of leading banks said today they have formed a Global 2000 Coordinating Group to stop the millennium bug from creating havoc in financial markets. []
Banks to join Microsoft's MSFDC - Microsoft expects to soon announce participation by banks in its joint venture with First Data, the software company's executive vice president Steve Ballmer said yesterday. []
Bay misses revised estimates - Even after lowering expectations last month, Bay Networks announced third-quarter results that came in well below revised estimates. []
Bay still on high-speed track - Despite a tepid embrace of Bay Networks' initial efforts into new high-speed markets, the company will roll out plans to continue targeting networking equipment for this sector at the upcoming Networld+Interop trade show in Las Vegas and beyond. []
Bay to support NT for access - Bay Networks (BAY) will add support for Microsoft Windows NT-based networks to its Net access device for small businesses by the end of this month. []
Bertelsmann sells AOL stock - America Online's European partner, Bertelsmann, is selling about 25 percent of its holdings in AOL. []
Big Blue's remote equalizer - As more work moves outside of company headquarters to hotel rooms and home offices, off-site employees bear the brunt of laggard connection speeds, expensive dial-up costs, and limited access to corporate information. []
Big competition for Check Point - It's a company's worst fear come true: The threat of Microsoft honing in on the bread-and-butter of its business. []
Bill aims to protect wired children - Using the Net to lure a child into sexual activity or to send minors obscene material could become federal crimes under legislation introduced by Republican House members. []
Bill would curb Year 2000 suits - A California bill that would limit lawsuits over the Year 2000 computer bug in that state begins the first leg of its legislative journey next week. []
BofA gives customers smart cards - Bank of America will announce today that its biggest customers, corporations that move millions of dollars using the bank's cash management services, will be able to use smart cards for secure access to those accounts. []
Book to dish Microsoft dirt - A purported insider's book about Microsoft, written by the daughter of a PR guru for the software giant, will hit bookstores next month, according to publisher Henry Holt and Company. []
Borland details enterprise strategy - Borland International says it has an enterprising plan for the future. []
Brazil Net use diversifying - A growing variety of Brazilians are using the Internet, once the domain of an elite few English-speakers with good telephone lines, according to surveys published today in the financial daily Gazeta Mercantil. []
Bringing e-commerce to China - Showing once more that the Internet knows no borders or boundaries, IBM (IBM) and China Telecom reached a deal to bring online commerce to China. []
British Navy finds recruits online - The British navy has launched a recruitment drive to Net surfers on the World Wide Web. []
Broadcom jumps in IPO - Shares of computer chipmaker Broadcom Corporation (BRCM) surged more than 123 percent in trading today after the company went public on the Nasdaq. []
Buyers need e-commerce smarts - In the emerging world of electronic commerce, the focus of consumer protection will change from concentrating on sellers to buyers of goods and services, a senior U.S. official said today. []
CA earnings set to beat estimates - Software giant Computer Associates (CA) announced today that earnings for its fourth quarter will be higher than expected. []
CA eyes smaller businesses - Computer Associates has built a business that will rake in $4.7 billion in revenue for the just-completed fiscal year by catering to the software needs of the top corporations in the world. That strategy is about to change. []

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