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DVD still an unknown - DVD, or digital versatile disc, doesn't ring a bell yet with consumers, according to a new survey from Yankee Group. []
DVD-Audio standard near - An industry standard for DVD-Audio, the next-generation audio technology with seven times the storage capacity of a compact disc (CD), looms near and may already have been settled. []
DVD-RAM standard again on horizon - In an effort to trump other players in the DVD arena, the DVD Forum, an industry consortium, has started working on a standard for next-generation re-recordable DVD-RAM drives that can store 4.7GB of information on a single-sided disk. []
Database firms face bleak 1998 - The database software industry, long a lucrative field for investors, will face a tough year in 1998. []
Debating Java's rightful place - Looking back, 1997 may be remembered as the year when the debate over Java's rightful place in corporate IS began to evolve from a hype-filled discussion of Java as a Windows-killing "platform" to a more concrete debate over the benefits of Java as a development language. []
Deep thoughts on e-commerce - International Business Machines (IBM) plans to announce on Monday that it will assign more than 50 researchers to a new research institute for electronic commerce. []
Deja News joins antispam war - Tired of its service being clogged by spam from Usenet newsgroup postings, Deja News is hitting back today with new filters to block postings of unsolicited commercial messages. []
Delays spur suit against E*Trade - Unsatisfied investors are hitting the electronic broker E*Trade Group (EGRP) with a class-action suit, alleging the company took on more accounts than its system could handle. []
Dell cuts desktop, notebook prices - Dell (DELL) today announced a new round of price cuts on its line of corporate desktop computers and some of its most sophisticated notebook PCs, reflecting a heightened sensitivity to low-cost computers and falling component prices. []
Dell introduces PCs with DVD - Dell Computer (DELL) joined the increasing number of vendors offering DVD drives in consumer PCs, an early sign that the company is beginning to focus more attention on a market in which the company hasn't fared as well as it has in the business segment. []
Dell targets small businesses - Computing packages aimed at small businesses are proving to be this year's hot market for hardware and software makers. []
Developers welcome Java hearing - In a move that may blow away the cloud of uncertainty hanging over the Java applications industry, a federal judge has denied Microsoft's request to stay a key hearing in the high-profile legal battle over the programming language that has raged between Sun Microsystems and Microsoft. []
Digital TV grows in Japan - Satellite broadcaster DirecTV today launched the newest service in Japan's crowded digital TV market, but analysts said viewers may wait to subscribe as the broadcasting competition heats up. []
Digital camera chips developed - Sarnoff Corporation, the renowned research firm once affiliated with RCA, has developed chip technology for building low-cost digital cameras, following on the heels of chip giant Intel. []
Digital, IBM to have 266-MHz notebooks - Digital (DEC) and IBM (IBM), among other manufacturers, will usher in 1998 with notebooks based around a new 266-MHz Pentium MMX processor from Intel. []
DirecTV shows AT&T growing pains - Success in a mature market does not guarantee success in a new one. AT&T (T) seems to be finding this out the hard way as it stretches into emerging communications ventures. []
Dole building anti-MS coalition - Microsoft's (MSFT) legal wrangle against antitrust regulators and competitors is increasingly moving beyond the courtroom--this time to Capitol Hill in the form of 1996 Republican presidential candidate Bob Dole. []
Double-line phone modem ships - Boca Research (BOCI) announced shipment of its double-line phone modem, which offers faster Internet connection speeds by integrating two modems into one unit that plugs into separate phone lines. []
Doubts over Windows 98 release - A federal judge's ruling in the latest antitrust action against Microsoft raises doubts over the software giant's plans to release the Windows 98 operating system next year. []
E*Trade to offer phone service - E*Trade (EGRP), an online investing services firm, today announced it will offer a speech-enabled telephone investing system that allows customers to place orders, check account balances, and enter portfolio information through a toll-free number. []

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