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New WebTVs are selling well - Mitsubishi Consumer Electronics WebTV Plus boxes sold out within a few days at some major retail outlets, boding well for sales of these enhanced TV set-top devices as they hit store shelves in the coming months. []
New licenses for Web music - The proliferation of Web sites that feature music in written or aural form have raised new concerns about copyrights and royalties. []
New spec to connect clusters - The results of an effort to improve the performance of software and computing components in a cluster of systems were released today. []
New tools bolster Net protection - The newly formed Network Associates (NETA) this week is shipping a suite of Internet security tools that includes protection against hostile Java and ActiveX components. []
New twist: Low-cost PC bundle - Gateway 2000 (GTW) is adding a new twist to the low-cost PC: A low-cost bundle including a monitor and printer to compete with no-frills sub-$1,000 offerings. []
New year's resolutions for Apple - Apple Computer (AAPL) may still be seeking a new chief executive, but getting its finances in order in the new year is a more pressing concern for the struggling computer maker. []
Nintendo: Seizures won't hurt sales - Nintendo (NTDOY) said today that media reports that a television cartoon based on its game software "Pocket Monsters" triggered seizures in hundreds of children around Japan yesterday night is unlikely to have a significant impact on its business. []
No clues in Microsoft hearing - As U.S. District Judge Thomas Penfield Jackson heard further argument today from the Justice Department and Microsoft (MSFT), it remained unclear what actions he would take in the case. []
Nokia buys Ipsilon for $120 million - Taking on Cisco Systems (CSCO) is no easy task, and once proud start-up Ipsilon Networks may be feeling the strain of such an undertaking. []
Notebook drive sizes climbing - CMS Peripherals introduced a high-capacity, 5.1GB hard drive upgrade for notebook computers, one of the largest yet to be offered for portable machines. []
Notebooks retooled for schools - Finally, a notebook you can take to the monkey bars. []
Novell's new tool maps workflow - Novell (NOVL) today rolled out the next version of its GroupWise Workflow automation tool for its groupware applications suite. []
Office 98 to incorporate HTML - Microsoft (MSFT) plans to boost the file format options in the next release of its Office software suite by supporting HTML alongside its own proprietary format. []
OneWave launches Web tool - OneWave (OWAV) today debuted the beta version of a new Internet application development tool. []
Online PC sales look strong - While the final numbers haven't yet been tallied, there appears to be early cause for celebration about holiday sales among online PC resellers and vendors. []
Online ad agencies consolidate - Call it the tip of the iceberg. []
Online ads generate $1 billion - Advertising on the Internet is booming as online media companies learn to speak the language of mass marketing and provide the verifiable audience measurements that corporate marketers demand. []
Online bill payment touted - Wells Fargo (WFC) rolled out Internet banking in May of 1995, and more than 400,000 of its customers are using that service today, said the bank's chairman and chief executive, Paul Hazen. []
Online shopping growing up - Last year, analysts were questioning the viability of online shopping. This year, they are talking about reaching the magic $1 billion mark and looking at ways to improve the experience. []
Onsale to protect customer privacy - After sending unsolicited email to a competitor's clientele, angering some Netizens, the online auction site Onsale has launched a new feature to safeguard its own customers' personal information. []

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