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whatUseek Directory Site Listings: - Diabetes resources including recipes, books, publications and brochures, and supplies. - Your online source for up to date, unbiased information on self management of Diabetes and its complications.
Diabetics Unite Homepage - Diabetes cure, research and projects. It includes a personal story of living with diabetes for 30 years and diabetes links.
Gestational Diabetes Symptoms - Brief review of gestational diabetes symptoms and causes.
Health Link Interactive - Parts of discussions help about all aspects of Diabetes.
HealthAtoZ: Type 2 Diabetes - Personalized diary tracks blood sugar, medications, exercise and other health management tools. Plus, articles on research, a recipe exchange, risk assessment, and related conditions.
Healthy Management - The site provides information about diabetes geared towards Riverside County, CA residents. This resource guide list most restaurants that offer healthy foods and/or nutritional facts that can guide the person to choosing a meal.
HowStuffWorks: How Diabetes Works - Fully-illustrated tutorial looks at how your body handles glucose. Shows what insulin is and what it does, how the lack of it affects your body, how the disease is currently treated and what future treatments are in store for diabetics.
Life with Diabetes - Diabetes symptoms differ slightly among types, but Type 1 diabetes and Type 2 diabetes require different treatments. Insulin, diabetic diets, and blood glucose levels are explained.
Lifeclinic Diabetes Channel - A comprehensive resource for information on diabetic symptoms, hypoglycemia, diabetic diet, treatment options, chart records blood glucose and other vital medical information.
Lifetoolz - Australian site records and graphs daily diabetes data and features the latest news about diabetes.
Living With Diabetes - Information regarding diabetes and day-to-day living with the disease - written by a juvenile diabetic.
Living with diabetes type 2 insulin deficiency - Overview of Type 2 diabetes insulin deficiency, with a discussion of the disease, risk factors, overview of treatment, and the psychological adjustment to the diagnosis.
Mayo Clinic: Diabetes - A description of the disease including symptoms, causes, risk factors, diagnosis, treatment and coping strategies.
MyDiabetes - Includes a personal Daily Diary for tracking blood glucose levels, medication usage, diet, and exercise. Advice, support, and encouragement is available. Registration needed.
New to Diabetes - Includes understanding you diagnoses, controlling your glucose, new health care routine and links to further resources.
Non-Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus: Thrifty Genotype or Thrifty Phenotype? - An examination of current scientific theories regarding the causes of Type II diabetes.
Pregnancy and Diabetes - The Daily Apple - Learn the basics when it comes to how to care for Type 1 and gestational diabetes during pregnancy.
Proactive Metabolics - The Balance PC software helps manage diabetes by combining a personal health record and extensive food database and recipes.
Professional Diabetes Community - For healthcare professionals specializing in diabetes. (password protected - requires registration)

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