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National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute - In-depth discussions on this disorder including what it is, causes, symptoms, types, what happens in the heart during arrhythmias, treatment and many other related issues .
North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology - Details about NASPE who is dedicated to the study and management of cardiac rhythm disorders. Includes find a specialist, a library, products and courses, scientific sessions, news and information about the heart.
OnHealth with WebMD - Detailed look at an arrhythmia, the causes, and diagnosing. The different types and treatments available.
Palpatations - Describes terms, doctor's explanations, and what exactly a palpatation is.
Paroxysmal Atrial Tachycardia: - A look at what this is, the causes, symptoms and treatment. Some self help tips to try while having an attack.
Sharp Health Cardiac Care: Arrhythmia Evaluation and Treatment - An article on electrophysiology, ablation, medications, pacemaker and implantable cardioverter pacer/defibrillator.
SleepTight - Explanation of arrhythmias.
St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital Center's Arrhythmia Service - Q&As, electrophysiology info, news, diagnostic procedures, therapeutic procedures and an explanation is presented.
Temple University Hospital Health Information-Palpatations - Provides information on symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment.
Texas Arrhythmia Institute - Very detailed information about all the types of arrhythmias. Premature beats, tachycardias and bradycardias.
The Atlanta Cardiology Group - A list of arrhythmia types originating in both the Atria and the Ventricles. A brief description with each type.
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation - Discussion on how to find a doctor and hospital for treatment. Article on arrhythmias and their diagnosis and treatment.
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas - Guidelines for treating arrhythmias in women during pregnancy.
ThriveOnline - A brief description of arrhythmias along with alternative therapies such as herbal, vitamins to mention a few.
US Food and Drug Administration - An In-depth discussion on ventricular arrhythmias and new drugs and devices in curbing deaths from this disorder.
University of Minnesota Department of Medicine - Details about the center and its mission. Also topics such as heart rhythm disturbances and who gets heart rhythm problems.
Vanderbilt Medical Center - Discussion of four types of arrhythmias and brief look at management in children. - Lots of information about cardiac arrhythmias as well as a brief discussion on all the different types.
Wolff-Parkinson White Syndrome: - A quite extensive look at this disease and how the heart works.
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome - American Heart Association looks at this disease along with the symptoms and treatment.

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