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ASH Challenge to reporting on passive smoking - Includes coverage of industry actions affecting press coverage of secondhand smoke.
Big tobacco's Shell Game With The Truth - Montreal Gazette article on the career of John Luik, "big tobacco's point man in Canada" in the industry's effort to disparage scientific studies linking secondhand smoke to cancer.
Breathlessly Waiting to Inhale - Op-ed on secondhand smoke surveys industry research and PR efforts since the 1970's.
Buying Science (or the appearance thereof) - The tobacco industry paid thousands of dollars to scientists to write letters to influential publications, trying to cast doubt on the health effects of secondhand smoke. Lawyers for the tobacco industry edited the scientists' letters, in some cases wrote the letters. From the St. Paul Pioneer Planet.
Did Big Tobacco Deliberately Withold Election Expenses in Boulder? - From GASP of Colorado Education Center, summary of evidence that the tobacco industry was funding and organizing opposition to a Boulder smokefree ordinance.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke and the Nonsmokers' Rights Movement - Chapter from a book on the Brown and Williamson papers documents B&W and the tobacco industry's approach to secondhand smoke.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke: Brown and Williamson Documents - A review of internal tobacco industry documents compares what the industry said privately about secondhand smoke with what it said publicly.
Fighting Clean Indoor Air - Once secret industry memos and documents demonstrate the industry's opposition to public health protections from secondhand smoke.
Passive Smoking Cancer Risk Downplayed By Industry - Internal documents from Phillip Morris and other tobacco companies provide evidence that the tobacco industry has closely monitored and tried to actively interfere with an international epidemiological study on lung cancer and passive smoking.
Philip Morris Sought Experts to Cloud Issue - Washington Post article: "Tobacco giant Philip Morris systematically wooed scientists who might help the company counter the growing consensus on the health risks of secondhand tobacco smoke and 'keep the controversy alive,' according to a 1988 internal tobacco company document."
Philip Morris and Passive Smoking - ASH UK paper reviews original documents (company memos) to survey the history of industry conduct on secondhands moke.
Secondhand Smoke - Setting the Record Straight - The EPA reviews the epidemiology, the attempts by the tobacco industry to confuse and water down the evidence, and comes to the same conclusion in 1998 that the evidence justified in 1992: secondhand smoke is a preventable health hazard.
Stanton Glantz: Post-OSHA Hearings Comments - Post-OSHA Hearings Comments, 1996. Extensive analysis of tobacco industry arguments: Credibility, Causality, and Other Word Games; Publication Bias; Confounding Variables; Misclassification Error; etc.
Tactics to Confuse The Science - Tobacco industry documents that show industry efforts to confuse or obscure the scientific discussion about the effects of tobacco.
The Philip Morris Scandal - ASH UK Paper on how Philip Morris and its lawyers invented and orchestrated "controversy" on secondhand smoke. Provides internal documents that document in the tobacco industry's own words how it spent "vast sums of money" to "keep the controversy alive" on secondhand smoke.
The Tobacco Industry's Latest Attack on the Science of Secondhand Smoke - ANR report on May 1999 industry campaign.
Tobacco Explained: 6. Passive smoking - ASH UK paper. Covers what was known and when it was known, inside and outside the industry, and what the industry did to influence public opinion.
Tobacco Industry Efforts Subverting International Agency for Research on Cancer's Secondhand Smoke Study - Text of Lancet (2000) article documenting the tobacco industry's extensive efforts to subvert IARC research on the health effects of secondhand smoke.
Tobacco Industry Underminded Report on Secondhand Smoke and Cancer - A ten-year study conducted by the International Agency for Research in Cancer (IARC) examining the links between secondhand smoke and cancer was subverted by an unprecedented misinformation campaign coordinated by the tobacco industry, UCSF researchers find.
Tobacco's Secondhand Science of Smoke-Filled Rooms - PR Watch report on tobacco industry PR push to get the public to doubt the health effects of secondhand smoke; analyses industry tactics.

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