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AAP - Child Health Month - Concise but fully footnoted factsheet on secondhand smoke and its effects on adults and children.
AAP - Environmental Tobacco Smoke: A Danger to Children - Short discussion from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Asthma and Secondhand Smoke - Links and resources from the
Breast-feeding and Secondhand Exposure to Cigarettes - Measures infants' exposure from maternal smoking.
Childhood asthma - "Half the cases of early childhood asthma are due to secondhand cigarette smoke".
Children and Environmental Tobacco Smoke - Canadian Institute of Child Health factsheet.
Children and secondhand smoke - 19-month old visits Grandpa's house; "as soon as we left, he began wheezing. That night he had a high fever and could barely breathe." Taken to the emergency room, he was diagnosed and admitted with pneumonia. What happened? At Grandpa's he was exposed to secondhand smoke. Unusual? Sadly, no. Each year, secondhand smoke causes up to 300,000 respiratory tract infections such as pneumonia in infants and young children.
Children at Risk from ETS - Young children and unborn infants are more vulnerable than adults to genetic damage from secondhand smoke, and exposures during early development increase the risk of cancer later in life, according to a study at Columbia University.
Clinical Briefs - American Family Physician, July 1997 - Secondhand smoke is associated with increased illnesses in children, including lower respiratory disease, middle ear effusion, asthma and sudden infant death syndrome. One study found that the overall cancer risk was greater for individuals exposed to environmental tobacco smoke during both childhood and adulthood than for individuals with a history of exposure during only one of those periods.
Effects of ETS on Children - Excerpted from EPA report, published by the National Conservation Guild, as part of their indoor air quality issues series.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Children - Factsheet summarizes the effects.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Respiratory Health in Children - Review of a critical review and analysis of the sceintific literature from 1969 to 1998.
Environmental Tobacco Smoke: A Hazard to Children - Policy statement and report from the American Academy of Pediatrics, April 1997. Goes well beyond the EPA report. Updated bibliography covers the research.
Federal Report on Kids at Risk from Passive Smoking - GASP of Colorado Education Center summarizes recent research estimating number of kids exposed to secondhand smoke and its effets on their health.
Fetal Nicotine or Cocaine Exposure: Which One is Worse? - Research article compares measured effects of prenatal exposure to the substances.
Fetus May Be Harmed by Second-Hand Smoke - Summary of recent research.
Growing up in Smoke is dangerous - Children are Passive Smokers, and by the millions.
HomeArts: HealthBeat -- Secondhand Smoke and Ear Infections in Kids - Ear infections are the number one reason young children visit their doctors and take antibiotics. Ear infections are painful and can lead to hearing loss. A new study finds many of those infections could be avoided if parents who smoke would make one important change.
Household Smoking Restrictions and Adolescents' Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke - Scientific survey concludes that health risks experienced by adolescents living with adult smokers can be substantially reduced by household smoking restrictions.
Medical Research Summaries - Secondhand Smoke Exposure of Infants - This parents' article emphasizes the importance of keeping infants away from secondhand smoke, both inside and outside of the home.

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