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Go Kan Ryu Karate Do - Newcastle - Newcastle branch of an Australian based school teaching the style based on Goju Kai and Kei Shin Kan. Includes information on the style development, dojo locations, class times, contact details, grading requirements, terminology and kata.
Goju Kenpo - Lawrence E Hall describes a street defense style he developed in 1988 combining techniques from many traditional styles.
Gojukido - Larry Kishiyama describes his low impact, soft style and offers a video for sale to learn more.
Golden Dragon Karate Academy - A school teaching a style developed from karate, kung fu, and chinese goju based in Fayeteville, North Carolina USA. Includes a description of the style, location details and class times.
Goshin Do Traditional Karate - A school in Greensboro, North Carolina USA provides training with traditional Japanese class format. Includes location and contact details.
Heiwa Ryu Martial Arts Academy - A San Francisco bay area, California USA school teaching John Earl Doub's style based on Okinawan Shito Ryu, Japanese Kyokushin, Tai Chi Chuan and Muay Thai. Includes details on location, class times and fees.
Homann Karate Do - Specializing in children's development teaching traditional Soryu Karate Do Ryukyu Kempo in Crown Point, Indiana.
International Karate Association - Soke Takayuki Kubota association of Gosoku style headquarted in Glendale, California USA. Provides a history of the founder, the association with location, contact and membership details.
International Karate Association Alaska - A school for karate, aikido, jujitsu, tai chi, kung fu, and cardio kickboxing in Fairbanks, Alaska. Includes style descriptions, location details and class times.
International Shorinji Ryu Shindo Budo Kwai - Michael Lorin's headquarters for the style in Santa Clarita, California USA. Includes contact details, address, class times and lists affiliated dojos world wide.
Joe Corley American Karate - A school teaching the Joe Corley system of karate providing regular classes to all ages across Metro Atlanta. Includes dojo locations and contact details.
Kantetsu Ryu Karate Association - Karate classes offered at Central Florida YMCAs. Incorporates Motobu-ha Shito Ryu, TaeKwonDo and Tang Sho Dau. Fred Altensee, Dai Sempai, also Roland Tinkes and Wayne Lorance, formerly of Olympic Karate, Orlando.
Karate Budokan International - A school teaching the Budokan style in Wales, United Kingdom. Includes a history of the style, dojo locations, class times and contact details.
Karate USA - J. Pat Burleson's site providing seminar details, American Karate system dojo locations in Texas and a base for the World Martial Arts Ranking Association with member list and biographies.
Karate World Studios - A school in San Antonio, Texas USA teaching karate, aerobic kick boxing and jujitsu. Includes information on instructors, dojo location, class schedule and events.
Karate World of the Carolinas - Jason and Amy McCormick school of karate and gymnastics with dojos in South Carolina providing details on contacts, location, programs for all ages and class times.
Keith's Dojo - A student of Karate International Sanshinkai describing the sensei, school and the non-traditional American system style. Keith's site includes a creative mouse trailer and very funny karate humor section.
Kenyukai - A group of clubs teaching the Shukokai style at dojos throughout the United Kingdom. Includes information on the style history, dojo locations, contact details and class times.
Kevin Bliss Self Defense Center - A school in Leominster, Massachusetts USA teaching karate, kick boxing and tai chi to people of all ages. Includes information on location and lessons in additional styles.
Ki Karate Kai - A school with dojos in London and Essex, United Kingdom teaching a new style developed from the Ishin, Wado and Shindo styles. Includes a brief tour describing the style, the teachers, a history of karate with a frequently asked questions and answers section.

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