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whatUseek Directory Site Listings:
Intersex-Forum - Discussion of issues relating to intersexuality, androgyny and gender. Supplements the Interex-Androgynous list.
JustMen - A listserv for FTMs who consider themselves regular guys.
KlinefelterXXY - A list for males 18 years of age and over, who have the karyotype xxy and who identify as being gay, bisexual, transsexual and/or androgynous. This list is intended as a community for support and education. Many here are experts on the subject of xxy, from having a deep knowledge of living with xxy.
MPD and Gender - This is a list dealing with gender issues of all sorts for all multiples (mpd/did), their family, friends, SO's and other supporters.
MTMInfo, MTMDebate, TransShare, FTMSOS - MtMInFo is an email support list and is open to anyone who was born with a female body but believes that this image doesn't accurately reflect who you are. It is also open to friends, family or the spouse of the FtM. MtMDebate is a no holds barred list for those more spirited folks, both FtMs and their SOs, who like to talk without the niceties of a support list. TransShare is for both transgendered/transsexual men and women to share their experiences and thoughts. We have lived in each other's shoes and should be able to help each other over some of the rough spots of transitioning as well as just bond together in the spirit of community. There is also an email list just for Significant Others (SOs) whether you are male or female.
NYAGRA: Mailing Lists - A guide to lists that don't have webpages of their own, including GAIN, InYourFace, Transfeminist, Transgender People of Color, Trans-Sexuality, TSLesbian, and TS Menace.
Not100F - For those who identify as MTF Transgendered, but don't feel that they're 100% female inside.
Not100M - For those who identify as FTM Transgendered, but don't feel that they're 100% male inside.
PlanetaIntersexual - Este es un lugar de encuentro para todas aquellas personas que presenten algĂșn rasgo intersexual, S.Klinefelter, SIAC, SIAP,... y deseen compartir el hecho de ser diferentes.
PsychologyXXY - It has been noted that persons with the XXY karyotype have various medical and psychological problems, such as depression, low self esteem, lack of self confidence etc. It has also been noted that XXY adults are sensitive to others and have strong coping skills, and many have achieved high personal and professional status, in spite of - or because of? - their condition. Here, people who are XXY can discuss psychological issues which may relate to their XXY karyotype.
SexChromosomeAnomalies - Sex Chromosome Anomallies email discussion list for people with XO, XXY, mosaics and supernumeries of these syndromes, for parents of these people and also for educational, psychological and medical professionals who treat these conditions. The list is here to educate ourselves as well as the professionals of any misconceptions relating to our condition/s. - Transgendered - For all CDs, TVs and TSs looking for a meeting place.
SomethingElse, a list for butches, FTMs, passing and transition issues. - SomethingElse is about identity, passing, transitioning, relationships and gender issues. SomethingElse is S/M and kink-friendly and sex-positive. While relevant news and events posts are welcome, this is primarily a discussion list. The list is closed and private: do not share posts with anyone else.
Sphere: Genderqueer Fun - Chat, information and stories for poly, non, and thirdgendered people.
Superdus - This list is for people interested in the Superdus website. Superdus provides information, resources and support on transgender issues, make-up, body painting and beauty therapy. As well as providing details of updates to the Superdus web site, this list is also for discussion of these topics and any related issues.
Support Group - A support group for women who have MRKH and their mothers.
TG-RPG - Transgender Role Playing Games featuring ongoing text-interactive games like "Invasion of the Hooters" and "MUDD-Wrestling" and "Spellbound in the 70s". Moderated by LainieLee. Come and join the fun!
TG-SPIRIT - A free-form list for discussion, debate and discourse on transgender spirituality. Members of all religions are welcome, although the list is not to be used as a forum for the proselytization of a particular religion and/or its dogma. This list is only open to transgendered persons and their significant others.
TGCentral - TG Central is a community of transpeers who engage in discussion, support, advocacy, and social action. TG Central is designed to provide transgender-central resources, links, surveys, and transpeer support.
TGFiction - This is a place to share fictional stories with transgendered themes. This list is for gender stories that are not X-rated, nor involve forced feminization, feminist revenge, or domination. There are other places for that. Sex acts and anatomical references are okay, but only if they are part of the story, and not the story itself. I see a lack of good transgender literature of a general nature and would like to see more.

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